The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive


Wen-Chi, The Flags of the Nomads

Of the Flag of Wood, the Liver of the East
Of the Flag of Fire, the Heart of the South
Of the Flag of Metal, the Lungs of the West
Of the Flag of Water, the North
Of the Flag of Earth, the Mitte

The Tiger of the Flag of the West
The Phoenix of the Flag of Oben
The Red Bird of the Flag of the South
Of the Flag Unter
Of the Flag of the North
Of the East, the Flag

Blueblack Flag of the Sky, Pi, Ring
Yellow Flag of the Earth
Blue Flag of the East
Red Flag of the South
White Flag of the West, also Hu, Tiger
Black Flag of the North, Half Pi, HalfRing

Earth Flag of the Huang Ti
Wood Flag of the Yu
Metal Flag of the T'ang (Shang)
Fire Flag of the Wen (Chou)
Water Flag of the Dynasty of Wen-Chi

The Sour Flag of the East of Wood
The Sharp Flag of the South of Fire and Lung
The Sweet Flag of the Mitte of Earth and Heart
The Bitter Flag of the West of Metal
The Salt Flag of the North and Water

Green Flag of the East
Red Flag of the South
Yellow Flag of the Mitte
White Flag of the West
Black Flag of the North

Of the Furling of Flags
Of Flags under Movement of Warriors
Of Flags under Movement of Hunt
Unfurling of Flags between Raids

Unfurling of Flags among the Tents of Rule
Unfurling of Flags Amidst the Splendor of the Enemy
Unfurling of Flags in the Midst of the Splendor of Camp

The Flag of Wen-Chi in the Midst of the Nomads
The Flag of the Domains in the Middle of the World
The Flag of the Worlds in the Midst of Ti'an


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