The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive


of details

a missile trail.:the other waits:one waits.::
Does one wait. replace your missile trail.
one waits.:fields of stone.:a torn flag.:one hammers.:
Write. another waits. my one waits.
stones and planes.:bullet in free air.
:one shoots.:a torn flag.:a torn flag.
Your ghost dissolves my torn flags.
one waits.:beaten women.:dead men. ::
Your bullet dissolves. my perfect moon.
a letter.:another mark.:a mark.::
field of rocks.:a violent moon.:return.::
Your bomb dissolves. my weapons of mass destruction.
starved children. i could break your bones.
:burnt flesh.:this text.:i feel nothing.:nothing.
Your semen nothing. is beneath me.
i feel nothing.:i feel nothing.:i feel nothing.::death.
Does i feel nothing. replace you.
i will kill them.:i will kill you.:i will kill.::
Your raid dissolves me.
i will kill myself.:i will kill you.:i will kill them all.
:i feel nothing.:i feel nothing.
Write i feel nothing. though my i will kill myself.


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