The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive


movie text

1943 There are early screen memories of _being carried_ on a
1943-1997 I have had my faults, too many of them
1948 Or thereabouts - remembering crying in the car with mot
1950 All through childhood I had to take weekly Saturday all
1950 I was given a small film projector with a crank on the
1952 I really don't have a date but wonder about my early lo
1952 I remember a wonderful British tricycle with large whee
1952 It was around this year that we moved from Reynolds Str
1955 Around this time, I had an operation to have my ears pi
1956 I heard of Elvis. I loved the word "fuck." Someone show
1956 I watched someone masturbate at camp; I was thrilled. E
1956 Later this year (or was it this year?), I masturbated c
1956-60 I cried myself to sleep, etc. I had a small box on t
1956-8 I joined the American Forestry Association (or someth
1958 J U and I were walking late at night and he thre
1959 I was probably a Junior at the Blue and White dances at
1959 I'd fall asleep dreaming of P T or earlier Ma
1960 A W was my first real girlfriend; we tri
1960 Barely made it to the senior prom with C K
1960 I just about flunked my first semester at Brown, collap
1960 I remember reaching for A's breast; I was sick and at
1960 I volunteered for secret army tests as well - checking
1960 I went to Israel for a summer, living largely in Jerusa
1960 It was around this period that I had my only "attested"
1960 It's this summer I first go to Israel and almost have a
1960 The depressions continue for the rest of my life
1960 These dates, these beginnings are obscure to me, and al
1960-1997 Sleeping and waking: insomnia goads me my entire l
1961 I almost flunked out of school. My life was a disaster.
1961-1962 My second year at Brown was miserable. I hated my
1962 I watched the side of the factory open up in the middle
1962 It was this year that I got beat up on the campus by tw
1962 On a trip through the Negev, I saw, from a distance, an
1962 Was it during this year, when I was in Israel, that my
1962 We managed to get shot at from an absurdly safe distanc
1962 was still, closed up once again. I asked my roommate wh
1962-1963 Went to Israel for a year, living mainly in Jerusa
1966 Went to Europe for the summer; met J Z who becam
1967 It's around now I'm in Europe. I met you (I forget your
1967 P G ran into the studio screaming
1967-1968 Put out three records with a group, two with ESP,
1967-1970 Did I speak of the Great Fear of country and anarc
1968 I bought a red IBM Selectric, my first real electric ty
1968 I had An,ode published by the Ws' Burning Deck Pr
1968 I lived for a summer in Minneapolis with J
1968 I think J and I were married; it was a traditional w
1969 V and I in our dismally-cathected relationship, talk
1973 At the Paris Biennale I put up "The World's Smallest Sc
1973-1974 I went to Europe with B; we lived for a month i
1974 Around this time, I remember living off and on with R
1974 I lectured all over the place, UCSD, Cal Arts, RISD (wi
1974 Logic of consciousness worked out, The Book as System o
1974 R warned me about V, that he wasn't as good a
1975 Around this period, L accompanied me at a poetry r
1975 R M and I split vowing to remain friends. It
1976-1977 I work on the Structure of Reality, a text compose
1976-1977 E and I in New York and Hartford, marry
1977 Around this date I thought that if aliens came from ano
1977 I taught for a year in Hartford, at the Hartford Colleg
1977 J was born; I was totally amazed. Everyone's start
1977 Secretly, I think I know everything; I don't know anyth
1978 E and I split, my fault through everything
1977 T fucking me, the first and only totally re
1977 The Whitney shows the tape K and I made; ther
1977-1997 Relating to J; I never see her enough; as she
1978 Remembering L, who became an erotic image / i
1978-1979 I taught for a year at the University of Californi
1980 I get involved with women who are as crazy as I am; no
1980 I saw V for one of the last times, and stopped speak
1980 The year where my writing began to coalesce; I was 37 a
1980-1982 I taught at UCLA for two years, in the art and art
1982 A and I left for Queenstown in the eastern center
1982 I left for three and a half years - to teach in Tasmani
1982 I went to Tasmania where I met A and return
1982 In Queenstown we end up at the home of a Belgian hairdr
1983 I take over the curatorial position at Nexus Contempora
1983-85 After teaching for a semester at Ontario College of
1984 At Nexus, we began the Atlanta Biennale; the first exhi
1985-6 Later Paul Celan's poetry would take off from where T
1985-87 I left Nexus, A left me, I went to University
1986 I first met D at a punk/industrial music night; he
1988 And I had never been treated so badly as I was with N
1988 I also met N while at Hallwalls; this was th
1988 I became Artistic Director at Hallways Contemporary Art
1988 I took up the Artistic Directorship of Hallwalls Contem
1989 At the end of the year, M and I left Atlanta for
1989 M and I are driving through western North Caroli
1989-91 During the years with M I had the feeling we
1991 Or so, found out the ESP records had been reissued as C
1992 M walked out after my severe depressions; she to
1993 Finally started on the Internet with an IBM XT. My firs
1993 My first cyber-relationship experience with a grad stud
1996 At the end of November, attended the Cybermind96 confer
1996 I meet A in Sydney after the Perth conference. Sh
1996 I think A and I worked through some of our differ
1996 Worked through M G in Sydney, Nova Scotia, on
1996 thought of this program as a way to begin to create an
1997 After the book launch party, N took pho
1997 Back in Sydney again for a second round, dealing with a
1997 But when R apologized, it was too late, and our fr
1997 I lived at 4-7-7 Chiyo, Hakata-Ku, Fukuoka-Shi 812, Jap
1997 I return over and over again to this, in an attempt to
1997 I think I'm so smart.
1997 January 7-22 worked with C\CEN in Sydney for economic d
1997 Late, I think, my brother M comes over and joins L
1997 L and I make a tour down the coast of Oregon; she h
1997 November went to Fukuoka to join L
1997 Stromatolites, cyanobacteria, tendrils.
1997 Today I received a carton of my older work from T B
1997 Wrote the first version of The Case of the Real in Fuku
1997 z, I use you "z" for coda, denouement. This is the jarg
1997 za, They're partial or transitional accounts. They come
1998 April 30 left Fukuoka to return jobless to New York
1998 August 15 to beginning of September, L comes
1998 Finally around November, divorce comes through with A
1998 K and C die
1998 Late April trip to Kyoto with L; Feb 20-March 20 in
1998 Met A in Huntington Beach - we b
1998 November 2-15, tour of Southern California then in Dec.
1998 Potes and Poets brought out The Case of the Real, which
1999 Appointed virtual writer-in-residence, Nottingham Trent
1999 C dies near the beginning of the year, found a
2000 March 16, 9; Mother dies early morning; A and I wer
2001 began teaching with difficulty at Florida Interna
2001 married A on June 14th; July 14th, had a rec
2001 move to Miami, mid August; the cat flew down later.

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