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From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>,
"WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines" <WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA>
Subject: phenomenology of approach so far -
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 23:59:59 -0400 (EDT)
- (the work so far) phenomenology of approach = categories for projected text = = approaching the everglades, the city, illness, language, culture = 1 domain limited or unlimited a limited domain is inscribed with or without fuzzy boundaries. domains may be limited in sememe, space, and/or time. example: everglades bounded by hydrology, ecosystem. 2 clues and cues from immemorial past a clue is an interpretable symptom, according to a scheme based on an articulated methodology. a cue is the activation of a scheme based on an anomaly or repetitive structure within the domain. the domain in turn may be defined by clues and cues. 3 difference between clues and cues a clue is based on evidence from the past to the present; a cue is based on activation within the present. 4 relevance theory and approach clues and cues are such by virtue of relevance; theoretical methodology is part of a critical sifting apparatus. 5 top-down classification schema this follows for example category theory, chaos/fractal theories; one always already begins with pre-theoretic presuppositions. 6 wonder, innovation, contradictions beginning with a sense of awe - everything signs everything, everything inscribes. innovation in terms of heuristic projections and introjections - contradictions in terms of anomalies, revisions, recuperations, returns. 7 deep ecologies, interstitial the ecologies become perceptually deeper; gaps are filled in; one lives in depth in the glades, aware of cyclical time, anomalous events, local histories, individual plants and animals. 8 filling in the habitus from larger to smaller clues and cues - alligators and wading birds to landbirds and invertebrates for example. as one moves down in scale, identification becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible. 9 from anomaly to behaviors and back again; behavior clusters based on attributes. or from story to structure, diachrony to synchrony, anecdote to prediction. 10 sense of occupation and intimacy inhabitation based on familiarity, familiality. 11 familiarity, familiality in the first, equivalence scripts and schemata, universals, typifications; in the second, identity scripts and experientials, individuations. 12 maternality chora and matrix - the inchoate beneath the surface of the subject. 13 deconstruction of the abject disarticulation of the abject as such and rearticulation in terms of microstructure, skein. the muck and clutter in relation to marl/peat moss and biome or flora/fauna regimes. muck and clutter as regimes. 14 phenomenology of naming following the notion of rigid designators, beginning with classification, classification experience, virtual subjectivity and its relation to concrete manifestation. 15 inarticulate inchoate maternality: see above. the proffering of languaging or template. 16 the mess and its overcoming entanglement as regime intrusions, conflicting biomes, collapse or implosion, niche-construction, problems of scale in space and time. 17 phenomenology of touch 18 recirculation of domain 19 immersive and definable structures 20 clue skeins clues related theoretically, taxonomically, in terms of typifications, taxonomies - heuristic skeins, established on the run. 21 the instrumental reason of flows and part-objects 22 gestural logics and superimpositions 23 delaying conclusions and the settling-in of elements 24 continuous processing and absorption of anomalies 25 modes of approach in space and time 26 horizons of 'natural' and 'unnatural' worlds 27 weakening of perceptual structures and responses 28 releasement and listening 29 buildings, dwellings, and habitations 30 the neighborhood 31 intersecting populations and worlds 32 phenomenology of withdrawal 33 the skein (skew-orthogonal) 34 the skein (askew and local) 35 increasing audacity and circumscription 36 the report 37 the distribution 38 the thinking of it 39 the world of it _