The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

mournful spirits

----------------------------------- You laugh.
----------------------------------- Jan isn't here.
----------------------------------- You pucker your lips expectantly.
----------------------------------- You laugh.
----------------------------------- You say, "You are dying, of
existence." ----------------------------------- You say, "I am dying of
everywhere." ----------------------------------- I see no "world" here.
----------------------------------- You say, "I am on the fifth floor I
should have killed myself in weather water wind
oo Mo " M M """ "" """" "" "M ooo oo oo ooo oo oo Moo oo o oo Mo " M M " "
"" " """ "" """" "" "" """" "" "M ooo oo o oo oo o oo ooooo oo oo ooo oo
oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo oo o ooo oo o oo oo oo Mo " "ooM M M M M M M " " ""
" " "" " """ "" " """ "" """" "" o"""o""" "" """" "" o"""o""" "" """" ""
o"""o""" "" """" "" "M ooo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo oo Moo oo o oo oo ooo
oo o ooo oo o oo Mo M oM "ooM M" M M M M Mo " M M M M Mo " "ooM M M """ ""
"""" "" "" """" "" "" """" """ "" " """ "" """" "" "M ooo oo o ooo oo Mo "
"ooM M M M M M M M M """ "" """" "" "M ooo oo oo Moo oo o oo ooooo oo oo
ooo oo o oo Mo M oM "ooM M" M M Mo"o" M M o "M M M Mo"o" M M "ooM M M o "M
M M M M o "M M M M M Mo " "ooM M M M M o "M M M o "M M M Mo"o" M M M M o
"M M M """ "" """" "" o"""o""" "" """" "" o"""o""" "" """" "" "" """" ""

cancer death and water the balance of death and water balance of death and
water waters mooring from the diary well. so went back online to people
talking, i mean what they say to you this is the sign of the waters black
with ripples, the glimpse of moon's sphere, trembling, sounds of the
humans would have read this long ago. the pages, yours, letters swollen,
loving your mouth. the grist of letters among protrusions of the text
split, splayed for modification, this is the map or when emissions, spews
replace chaos by noise, substance, binding of names a shrieking angel
earth lapping at the mournful sprits *me me me // ashes *gathering place
& mournful sprits *me me me


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