Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>,
"WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines" <WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA>
Subject: everything in the world without number
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 00:58:31 -0400 (EDT)
everything in the world without number README st d d d d d ah am amerempire amongaes an ap ash DME trilby trilby D A a ba back bardoa bardob basin bb Blood blood blood blood book book ABACUS abyss AHHH ai ai ai ai ALAN ALAN amaze america archaea archaea archaea archaea archaea archaea archaea archaea archaea archaea ARCH arctan ASCII aster aster aster augment aus AVATARS axis azbaal azbal AZURE b s baby baby baghdad baghdad BALLET ballet beam BEEB bee B BI DEL bi del BIFURDEL birth birth BKREVIEW BLEED blood BLOWN BLOWN BOOK box box box box box brook brooklyn b cancer caul cc chorus cite cite boy brilliant BUDDHA buffalo buffalo C C C cal c cube culture culture culture dd dddance deathfugue dirty dirty d CHAOS Cheap CHIASM child CHORA CINEMA cloud CLOUD cloud CLOUD cloud CLOUDSIN col col col COL COLCLOUD COMPBIO coral coral coral cord core core core core crown crown crown crown crown crown cybinfo CYBINFO D D D dbas DEADTIME defuge DEFUGE DELCLOUD dell dell dell DELL dell dell dell dell DELL DHENON DIARY DIARY DIARY DRAPRINT DRAWALK DRAWALK DRAWALK DRAWALK DRAWALK drawalk DRAWALK DRAWDELL DRAWTEST dune ee ega empire en en en en en en en endofempire e europe echo echo EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE email email email email email email email email essay europa eve eve eve Fantasm ff filter filter filter filter flame EVE EVE evening EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EXE_README exe EYE FACE face face FACE fall falls falls falls falls feed fetish ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fff fff fff fff fff FIGURE film FILMVID FING fireadry fireadry fireadry fire fl fl fl fl fl flesh Flower flows flowss Follow frieze f fullmarss gg g head heap heartland hh h ii flush flush flush flush flute flute FLUX FOPINFO fop FRAC FRAC FREUD FULLIFE FUTCULT FUTURE gal GATE G gb GET GIFT GIRL glades glen* glory GOD god gong GOODBYE gorgeaa gorgeab gorgead gorgeb gorgec gorged gorgee gorgei gorgel gorgen gorgeo gorgep gorger gorgew graph guiapp h h h h h h h hate hemiptera hemiptera hemiptera HENON HENON HERE HITTITE hold HOLE HOLE-S hurry hzzzo ICE icicle icicle indexl inmale insert insideaes i jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt j ju juluAPSjumpin INTRVIEW jeanpaul JENN jewel jewel jewel J JULIA JULU julua jumpinn jv jw jx jy ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki Kilroy kj kk kl km k kali KAMS KDATE KEY kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono kimono klez k kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la laguna lakes laketube s KNOW KYOKO laguna laguna laguna laguna laguna laguna laketubes lastempire lb lc ld le leaning lf lg lh li liss liss liss lj land land land land land LAND LEAK LEASE leaves leg LEO LEO LEO LEO leon leon leon LIFE LIFELINE life LIKE LINEAR linear LINEQ lineq lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt l lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mah mah marsred llook look LOOK LOOKXX love LOVE LPMUD man marss mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt m mu mv mw MASS mens mens mens mens mens MESS mess messclr MESSCLR miami MIAMI MILK mirror MISSCLR missclr MM MODEL mood moom more more more more more more MOSS moss moss moss MOSS moss most of it mount mount mount mount mount mourning movie mov MURMUR mx my mz n na nb nc nd ne nebula nebula nebula nebula nebula myascii NAME nebula nebula nebula net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net nf ng nh ni niagara nj nk nl nm n ocean NEW new newj NEWJU NIBBLES night night night night night night night night night night night NIK NIKI NIKI NIKU LX nikuko: Nikuko nipple nite NOISE nova nub nub nub nude nude numb numb numb NUMBER numb oboe oilrig oldindexl organ origin origin origin origin origin o oldaba open ORBITING orbiting ORD other other other other other other other other other other other other outsideaes overthere overthere Past portal p pu q rally resume overlook P P P P P P P P panamar panties para a para b para c para d para e para f para g parable para parent park pearl pearl PEN PENIS PERTH pest pest phen piano plasma play POET poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly poly POLY POLY POLY poly poly poly poly poly poly poly pool pool pool pool postmode POTEPOET program: PROSEBIO QBASIC QUEER RACE reading red REDYEAR REMLINE resumel r ruined seamount seamount sorewave sound start start RESUME reverie reverie reverie rust S sartre scler seam seam seam seam seam SEX SHAFT shamisen SHIN L SHIN shoes SIN SINCIRC sincirc sin SINTAN SINTAN SINTAN SINTAN SINTAN SINTAN skein skein skein skein skein skein skein skein skein skein skin SKIN sks sks slide slimemold slimemold slimemold snapshot snapshot sophia SOUL SOUND spacec SPEW SPLIT spread STAR STAR STAR star STARR starr stelarc stranges stranges studio s tail tao tao tao tern tern terncrash strike strike strike strike strike STROM STROM STROMHTM susangra svengali sw swoon sym taol TEAR tern test test tra trmail tt t twist twistsub Uncanny u uu vienna terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror TEST theory theory theory theory theory theory theory theory THROAT thung thung thung thung THUS torso torso torso torso tr tr tr train trillecho tub tub tub tub tub tz UH umb umb UNIVER vermeer vermeer victor VIDEO VIDEO vienna volute wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave vir vir vir VIRUS vision V voice void WALK wall wallvoid wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wavers waves Weather western western whataboutmotvalise woman s woman s wdswk weather web WET where womans wtc xl xzais yl z zz word word writing WRITING wryting x YOU YOUYOU ZING _