Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: sexuality in performance and video
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 14:06:37 -0400 (EDT)
Some notes on sexuality in performance, video, etc. (This is in part a follow-up to a recent discussion elsewhere, and is hopelessly naive, 'off the cuff,' but perhaps of interest anyway.) First, it seems that sexual representation is overdetermined; the result is it tends to dominate everything else. If I have a sexual work in among a number of non-sexual ones, it's the sexual work that's remembered and that actually forms the tenor of subsequent discussion. Our culture is too confused and contradictory in relation to sexuality - it never resolves - and sexual work can open a can of worms. Second, there's a huge responsibility involved, ethically and psychologi- ically, in terms of sexual or even nude representation; if I'm using my own body, I can take that, but if I work with someone else, he or she might not realize the implications. So one has to be careful. Third, using one's own body creates an intense and unresolved disturbance for an audience, when confronted, not only with nudity, but possibly with the nudity of someone present (dressed) in the room - I'm talking about video and reality co-mingling. And this may be difficult to take. All of these situations result in an unresolvable problematic, usually produc- tive of intense and on occasion negative emotions. After all, it's the audience member's own body, own responses (sexual and psychological) that is at stake. Fourth, most members of an audience will resist arousal - and while one can generate any kind of powerful emotions in an audience (and that's generally a good thing), arousal is taboo. Anger can be one result - just like anger against gays often has to do with one's own impulses in that direction. Fifth, we're living in a culture which hinges and intensifies explicit sexual presentation and censoring; nudity is never complete, is always dirty, and always desirable as a result. Television is full of this - which then has to be situated elsewhere and elsewise in a performance. I tend to favor pornography over eroticism (although I don't own any pornography and/or practice it) on the basis of honesty; one is confronted with a kind of truth that eroticism hides. And I think that eroticism spills out into and around capital - it's the 'way' the culture works, even though pornography probably generates more money. To some extent pornography is pornography because it is taboo - a kind of circular reasoning - after all what's being presented is usually fucking of one sort or another, an everyday act. Sixth, pornography is mixed with violence in an equation that I associate with Iraq mixed with Al Qaeda; there's no necessary relation. Television is far more disturbing in terms of the latter than the former, and while some pornography has very uncomfortable power relations embedded in it (for example the 'money shot' of coming on the face of someone, usually a woman), this isn't necessary to it. What does seem necessary is a sense of danger (there's also physiological and psychological evidence for this) or transgression - in this sense, in spite of its codifications, pornography is somewhat revolutionary. (Of course this is also taking the position that pornography may be ultimately liberating, which may well be both naive and retrograde.) Seventh, pornography and eroticism both touch on prostitution, etc.; the very illegality of these forms tends towards a kind of (what is perceived as) low-key criminality. And along with this, pornography now - at this point in time - tends to slide into child pornography - into child abuse - into a general category of 'pervert' - into the idea of sexual danger lurking everywhere for everyone - into increased repression - including things like Megan's law (which seems, to me, fundamentally wrong, a continuous life-long punishment after someone has served time) - I could go on and on about this, but in any case, this discourse of children tends to frame or contaminate or penetrate the discourse of pornography, and sexuality itself. One has to be more careful than ever - that what is adult stays adult for example (however 'adult' or 'mature' for that matter maybe defined). And eighth and final, even now there still seems to be a kind of libera- tion in arousal, sexual display, etc. Dance comes more out of the Dionysian than the Apollonian; it's connected with courtship, with inter- course, mating rituals, Bacchanalias, etc. And yet dance is now largely repressed - it's formalized (the cultivation of protocols, barriers, institutions, companies, etc.) and even though, for example ballet, has heavy sexual elements (supporting someone by the crotch etc.), these are pretty much ignored or bypassed (all the more reason because they domin- ate, are present) in discussion. It's this lack of discussion, lack of sexual discoruse vis-a-vis dance, that, in fact, propels dance, in particular ballet and so-called modern dance. Dancers themselves may be poorly prepared for thinking through these things. (I'm not saying that dancers should dance sexually here - only that this is an option which is generally taboo.) (Of course there are exceptions to everything.) This is somewhat off the top of my head, but it's an area I've had to consider far more than I've wanted to, given the nature of some of my work. From my own viewpoint, my pieces cover a wide field of content and interests, but sexual overdermination creates what might be thought of as a black hole of discourse, everything far too often falling into that particular direction.