The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Second Perfection

/[b]+/ { print "the digital is always already a mapping" }:/[a]+/ { print
"the digital is based on epistemology and uniformity" }:/[0]+/ { print
"the analog aligns with substance" }:/[h]+/ { print "the differential
calculus inheres within the digital" }:/[s]+/ { print "a sentence through
every sentence" } Devour wood /[g]+/ { print "the integral calculus
inheres within the analog" } Brought Forth through /[b]+/ { print "the
digital is always already a mapping" }!
  printf "%s ", $i;: for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ):{:/[f]+/ { print "111"
}:/[p]+/ { print "catastrophe" } { transforms Your printf "%s ", $i; on
me... Ah, you with Reds and Blues! for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ):{::/[c]+/ {
print "we exhaust ourselves with presencing present" }:/[l]+/ { print
"what swirls are structures gnawing" }
  transforms Your for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ) on me... Ah, on with Reds and
Blues!/^$/ { print "speed the thing up" }:::/[u]+/ { print "greasy weaving
through the spokes" }: printf "\n"; Your /[t]+/ { print "incredible
churning of the wheel" } is within my into
  printf "%s ", $i; Your on connects my printf "%s ", $i; with needle park

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