Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: knots (constellations of theoretical work)
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 22:44:21 -0400 (EDT)
knots constellations of theoretical work body disinvestment refusal/deluge postmodern modern coupling disassemblage asymptotic negations shefferdual creativity borderregions materiality slanders hieroglyphic binding leakage misrecognition emptied bases collapse superstructures excess clutter debris applies farther ourselves body bodies hieroglyph intentionality mediated intended hold carry cultural skein linking loosely tethered demarcation substance emergent disinvested participates abject 5 interpenetrate ontologies fractally coalesce chains consequences adheres coheres overcoded undercoded destabilized selfreflexivity contradiction leave st stuttering stumbling wobbling virtual demarcation substance emergent disinvested participates abject 5 interpenetrate ontologies fractally coalesce chains consequences adheres coheres overcoded undercoded destabilized selfreflexivity contradiction leave st stuttering stumbling wobbling jostling shuddering sputtering recuperated emission spew replace virtual enters rel 6 assemblages inscriptive doubles epistemologies guise freedom transform vector flow turbulence erotics puncture delirium liquidity positivity {x x} core masochistic assemblage context narratology unaccountable unaccountedfor topology stains stained regimes inbetween paths plasmas avatar pretensions philosophical scientific strip touches insists fragility embraces swallowed holocaust detritus covers repeatedly denudation artifice deployment ornament suture wound hypothesis hypothetical proffering inscribes deconstructing walls surrounding torah hedges furiously allow final flourish penetrates inversion dyad positives negatives ecstatic aesthetic presses breaks construing breakage irruption virtualities avatars fleshheart strangulation stylistic extremes explores epistemologically uttermost vicinity desperate exigencies shocktactics annihilationcreation degeneration generators emphasizes indeterminate locating outpost runs wavelengths universespanning reporting inhales informationannihilation beingannihilation inflates meager hopes survival centered dissipated abject geniferhingedirongenifer genniferrous tiny candle burns egyptians japanese burning four days yahrzeit yeartime crack impression death glimmer starrystarry skies inconceivable am sorry joking honestly remembered sides grid almostalive imperfection sum text axioms axiologies dispersed fissuring age unage links couplings constitute constituted desire mouths ears identical include annihilation armature belief imaginary plasma defuge enumeration coupled abjection foreclosure abacus channeling gating included signifer totalization notself nearly decomposable hierarchies decompose holarchies limit link contiguity transforms investment characteristic phenomena terminology forecloses annihilates science ideological nonideological mirror stage coagulation equivalences identities analog / digital commands materials static articulation constant self revision time moves foregrounded crashes destroyed garbage subtle husserlian timeconsciousness formal linear parallel non clocked variable meeting still disappearance promulga occurs levels dna input/output material blind dna/rna tacit knowledge polyani resolves plays role screwdriver enough disappears hand interaction screw too universal subtext capital corre late functioning aphoristic analog digital 'digital' mean 'discrete' 'systemic' characterized systematization parameterization continuous broken everyday life intervention unless 'ikonic' leaves something setting standard raster quantity almost steps 'screening' bandwidth quantifying those sorts fabric categories standardized transmitted received coherent channels receiver inert performs asymptote runway saved loomed overhead nighttime snapped picture quickly vw metaorder synchronic meta/space replete/time illuminated planets darkness uncharted unavailable sentience wellordered huntington's tremulous reception stars requiring record opposite online packetprotocol shipped jpg tie software intellectual property corporate privacy registers wires contacted primordial inert wavelength bundle omnidirections creature ready interpretation rosset's idiocy muteness fineness ceiling recording/playback bypassed extrapolation trusting outofpacket differend literally circumlocuted unknown bear bearable text/image/audio/whatever exhausts exhausted semiosis perceiver 'out narcissism looping machine cosmological merged observe externality internality brass spheres wimhurst generator crystal detector audion triode filament glow empty distributes preexisting distributed collection ones zeros pluses minuses modification "imminent access" byte smallest accessible alterable alteration fileinthelarge nonarticulated "nonarticulated filtering" author subjectively freely choosing parameters nouns authorial intent "articulated mathematization chosen entirety algorithm refer sonnet replacing vowels consonants "articulation" photoshop color "nonarticulation" refers "just writing" "filtering" emphasize blank sheet empty "sheet assertion" spilled offline revisions added hacked duplicated downloaded permission replaced corrupted copyrights enforced ignored utilize reading/perceiving etiquette duplication sometime hacking cracking payment nonpayment downloading formlessness incorporating actively passively augmenting corroding depending "active augmentation corrosion" reader/viewer timehorizon automatic generation interactive builtin instabilities changing sex [19][19] flower eternity one's dream continuation tongue snow stone hardened writing memory short he criterion control rest compulsive horizon inhabits worn who "history baal eternity" thick cloned imploded reduced hard piling implosion okukin i'll thank shaperiding horses night day devours spirit riding webs we're i'd mussels mangroved rock wear rescued selfinscribed sexuality desire's submitted love appertain purpose suggest lose wings keep flying im wave blue windsor ontario {{riff g f written & conceivable tablet slip triggered things melted "i'd roamed free were together flowers"outline new talk historicsynchronic/asynchronicdeclarative/performativesafe rough spotsinterpenetrations addictions net articulationsbroken language possibly misrepresentations true gardenfors' complex begun found concept use planes yet understand neglected necessary detailed typology taking temporality account various ways cannot see proceed deep reading 'theory codes' major section develops sign production quite useful references barthes' s/z although constantly find his poeticizing beautiful early symbol formation organismicdevelopmental approach language werner kaplan wiley 1963 finally clear best sketch discursive field complete intensifications representing similar looselystructured wittgensteinian family usages 'game' strategy wager theoretical much viewpoints nothing hope future usefulness politics aesthetics emerge danger 'codework' style uneasy underpinnings me interesting aspects eventually disappear absorbed back genre postmodernity state renewal whether 'type' 'concept' remains interpreta god contract binds defines imminent immanent exchangevalue distanced replaces presumed contamination presumption false healing suturing impossible feral erasure throw away scaffold releases "wovon man nicht sprechen kann darueber muss schweigen" wittgen stein perfect beauty sondheim's home perfectly beautful 0 jennifer slight flaw factflaw slightest offset godsdesired isotropic anisotropic symmetry's remember 1 once principles esablished greeks waseasy fell wasn't later until syntesis uncanny appearance realm perfection look lovely unfoldings undraped sky 2 cracks marble scanlines emptiness loss neuraesthetics neuraesthenia 3 you huddle huddling psychopomp swollen enormous miniscule palimpsest indelible formulas eternal accountedfor trembling fragile fallingapart people donewithit fear word croatia bulgaria loud shortwave d'eau veins skateboarding 130 swirl finger matchstick explode 14 monthly review august 1759" john yeomans' abecedarian philofophic comment englifh abfurdities prefent cuftom superfluity learnings modeft propofals reformation adapting fpecial purpofe practicable render distinft uniform univerfal alfo fhewing indignity habits lecturers beauties excellency graceful likewife syllableium table beginners ufe schools kingdom difcourfe atau tetragrammatical preceding thofe "words interpret grinding chafeing ftriking outer ear breat fpirit felf everlafting dreadunited exprefs difpofition inked graven fign deftruction banners avocate fummon itfelf ftolen ftrayed regulate fenfes wifdom holinefs devil fhadows herewith blefs therewith curfe fimilitude &c mortal ftate immortal fhall felfquicken felfmove felfcomfort pleasant fweetest lovechord tafting fufeit ambrofia delicious sufceptible inbred divinity! death aesthetics emerge danger 'codework' style uneasy underpinnings me interesting aspects eventually disappear absorbed back genre postmodernity state renewal whether 'type' 'concept' remains interpreta actions 'reading' beings wittgenstein's 'silence' end tractatus code's success failure foundation ii confusion aptly named us goals paramount exist wends momentary stasis occasional completion traditional 'death author' opensource never ending markov chain determined came before move cancel input remote disparate objective command subroutine routine module focus athand encoded object operation transformable inhered encoder spoken output lost transmission fled thereby lies distinction among con/structures con/structions selfdevouring residue symptom expressivity disease struggle appears inauthentic code better are most violent should know destroying everything path crawling towards armageddon animals plants narrows open wide poisoned minds worlds shit dig earth with teeth iron slash flesh eyes stomachs animal fun how else shall made alone feel survive momentarily longer that fine faster go beginning perhaps waiting just around corner they're already dying lateness hour bad joke on code codework consider welldefined entity x its complement then x^x = n null set second y y^y think nx ny relativized three separable entities z take pairs xy yz zx these symmetrical yx zy xz let ab stand a^b equivalent divide planar region into regions bordering each other x@y represent line equidistant y@z z@x meet single point plain grouped triads triad meets points forth branches