The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Two Message Audiofiles Recorded at Kennedy Airport NYC.
First section: Unsuccessful filtering to emphasize voice.
Section section: Raw recording.
"information" blocked by implosion of "messages"
"This is no longer the liquidity of the body but the shards are
characteriz ... characterological fragmentation of the body."
" such are subsumed"
"This is information on the level of the message."
"This is no longer the liquidity of the body but the shards are
characterological ... characterological fragmentation of the body."
"The messages are subsumed ... in a literal ocean of voice."
Filtered answering machine tape.

Think of dissemination of information in which the basic unit is no longer
the byte or bit, but the _message shard._

The rest proceeds accordingly.

Generated by Mnemosyne 0.12.