Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: National Radio Astronomy Observatory Retro-Reflector Commands
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 02:16:09 -0500 (EST)
National Radio Astronomy Observatory * Retro-Reflector Commands RPC Function Description CL_CIL_SVC Illuminates retro-reflector with ZY laser CL_CMEAS_SVC Requests that a ZY measure a retro-reflector CL_COO_SVC Requests/sets ZY retro-reflector data CL_NUM_SVC Requests/sets the number of retro-reflectors in a ZY's scan list CL_ORD_SVC Requests/sets the ZY's scan list order CL_SCN_SVC Requests that a ZY start/stop or schedule/remove a scan ZY/ZP Coordinate System Commands RPC Function Description CL_ALPHA_SVC Requests/sets the $\alpha$ angles of the mount CL_BETA_SVC Requests/sets the ZP $\beta$ rotation correction angles CL_BP_SVC Requests/sets the monument base position coordinates for a ZY CL_COORDINATES_SVC Requests the ZP mirror center coordinates CL_EZ_SVC Requests/sets the ZP encoder offset values CL_MO_SVC Requests/sets the ZP mirror offset values Instrument Control RPC Function Description CL_AXIS_SVC Requests/sets state of axis amplifiers on ZY CL_BYE_SVC Disconnects ZY from ZIY CL_CONNECT_SVC Requests that the ZIY connect to a ZY CL_INITZY_SVC Requests that a ZY re-initialize itself CL_PS_SVC Requests/sets state of ZY power supplies CL_RST_SVC Requests that a ZY's host perform a cold boot reset CL_STW_SVC Requests the ZY status word CL_VER_SVC Requests the version of a ZY's software Data Acquisition RPC Function Description CL_CYC_SVC Requests/sets ZY cycle integration property CL_IFF_SVC Requests/sets the Reference Frequency of a ZY CL_SEQ_SVC Requests a sequence of measurements from a ZY CL_SFQ_SVC Requests/sets the sampling frequency of a ZY A/D sub-system Axis Control RPC Function Description CL_ABA_SVC Sets acceleration value on ZY axis controller CL_ABV_SVC Sets velocity value on ZY axis controller CL_ACP_SVC Requests actual position of ZY axis controller CL_AXS_SVC Requests the status word for a ZY axis controller CL_DSP_SVC Requests the desired position of a ZY axis controller CL_ERL_SVC Requests/sets the Error Limit on a ZY axis controller CL_FHM_SVC Requests that a ZY axis controller ``home'' an encoder CL_FIL_SVC Requests/sets the PID Integration Limit of a ZY axis controller CL_FKD_SVC Requests/sets the PID Derivative value of a ZY axis controller CL_FKI_SVC Requests/sets the PID Integration value of a ZY axis controller CL_FKP_SVC Requests/sets the PID Proportional value of a ZY axis controller CL_FLT_SVC Requests/sets all the PID parameters of a ZY axis controller CL_FSI_SVC Requests/sets the LM628 Derivative Sampling Interval CL_IDX_SVC Requests the index register reading of a ZY axis controller CL_RDS_SVC Requests the Integration Sum of a ZY axis controller CL_VHM_SVC Requests that a ZY's axis controller verify its home position ZIY Commands RPC Function Description GETCLIENTS_SVC Requests a list of all client sub-systems on the ZIY LOG_SVC Place a message in the ZIY's log system WEATHER_SVC Requests the latest weather station readings ZIYREGISTER_CALLBACK Register a callback RPC server with the ZIY * This spring we'll head to the NRQZ, National Radio Quiet Zone, for VLF recording.