Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: new music
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 02:38:54 -0400 (EDT)
new music You: this took the whole day to do; screens are set up in % away that allows them be viewed but it's difficult get there % She's % onlineI just sent her messageThat might due transparency do you % thnk?tried cut back on % itHi % boys!have number of % questions % helloAlso is too % risque?i'm not concerned with risque % part- yes, totally dark darker?yes i can here % heartotal freedom whatever wishIf world midnight looks % great!very % purpleThey could anywhere I'd tomorrowno % problemI'll send BUNCH soundPut ANYWHERE!!i'll show real % qwikOk, I've done % ok, One % minutesupload would betterdon't anything =need your preferences able % play it? % videao independent mp % did put final game % in?still uploading. will videoy.mpbrbokwhat time % tomorrow?what's good for % you?x sureevening best mearound if that's or latermorning night me, % is. may night. % lets thats % evening?workswork % earlierfine % better?stuff durring at my end most days full!so, % want?We'll give you!Anytime amsleeps thnkagainlike % people shouldn't broadcast their baby % monitors...oh % dearis? : % )sweet chinny chin % funnyhee circling van % recordingOh and sitting home GETTING OFF % ONLITTLE CHIILDREN! % That's great, see then. morenow? Would appreciate any feedbak % installation ok. going now. bye. thanks % .our goodbyes always lateHeh!The closeups images somewhat % disturbing, % least hope We should ready well before % thinksounds kind bump into these % things...default physicalthought % Then avatar now go blind it! can't % through prims! % its % fittingYes, % agreemuch bumping % aboutYes video though?phantom?phantom, % Onlinemake sense imagesince ultimately % flatother % geometriesplaneagree; end?Oktransparentswant use floor..we testhow % wanted hole floor % another prim try % yourself?texturethen omg streamrecorder<that was said some % excitement>which much?let's trip over them...[:] yuo want! % course... %