The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

for hir we are dy9ing and the calling-forth

for hir, we are dy9ing

for hir, we are dy9ing, ju# k: kill all unconnected #g gladly, let me have
your breast, let me drink from # o: options # and endings we are waifs, we
are wayward,, we are mi# r: rering all # shit nor drink, wears us like a
glove, # s: shell ## u: user list # we think hir thoughts only# w: output
user to file #ly, taste her sweet tongue ah ah ah ah ah we are, niu# q:
quit #

nikuko, our mouths open for hir, oh that she would dying of thirst in
desiccation, oh she must be satisifed, must she not! where and when we
suffer, suckle me, julu, let me bleed open for you and there, drink my
blood, my bitter tears are openings for your speech, julu, we are contrary
children, neither piss, nikuko, nor eat, we do nothing,

our mistress only, julu, suck hirsweet sweet flesh only, ah ah ah ah ah we
are julu, ah ah ah ah ah

[ Nikuko and Julu, both emanents of a single mistress/master; they're
different but inhabited similarly; they are equally opened; mistress peers
inside them; they're splayed for hir; they are lovers sharing equivalent
bodies; they're four-dimensional beings whose interiors open to any viewer
daring to come close enough; they are both worn like gloves; they
participate on the surface in sado-masochisms; they have no will of their
own; they have given up will; they never had it in the first place; they
speak through me; they meld; their dreams, our desires ... ]

the calling-forth

[ringing ...]
[Waiting for connection...]
[11;1Hif i could not write, i would be dead; it's necessary to signify my
a life isn't worth living,,
  Nikuko, if it were dead or such beyond. you must wai
wait here with me, int
  this space residing with me.
[8Bwaiting if i could not write, julu, signifies nothing. i would write
your body,
your body imminent; i would write your body now, uncover it in one virtual
world after another, skin emptied of all thought -
[Kemptied of all thought except for me, Julu, you within e
me as our mistress, whom
whomever, takes us on like a glove,
[14Cone after another, same think
thinking and no escape, same tune and no horizon
[36Cand no air, Nikuko, and no breathing, no br
breath, nothing but the hold our mistress
[7Chas upon us, julu, taking our
bodies one after another, wearing them visibile and invisible,
[42Cfucking our bodies, julu, sliced open
for hir, available to hir on every level, prim and primitive, her body
, hir body prime fo
for receptioon
n, her we
[39Cours alone, niku
nikuko, our mouths open for hir, oh that she would
[24Cpiss on us, water us i t
n this desert, our mouths wide fo
for hir, we are dy9ing, julu,
[21Cdying of thirst in desiccat
desiccation, oh she must be satisifed, must she not! where and when we
[30Cnikuko, hardly suffering gladly, let me have your
[9;1Hbreast, let me drink from it,
[18;1Hsuckle me, julu, let me bleed open for you and there, drink my
blood, my bitter
[18;1Htears are openings for your speech,
[30Cour sadness, beginn
nings and ed
ndings we are waifs,
[36Cjulu, we are contrary children,
[8Bwe are wayward,, we are misery themselves, we neither shit or d
nor drink,
neither pis
piss, nikuko, nor eat, we do nothing,
[18;1Hour ms
[70Cwears us
[9;1Hlike a glove,
[9;1Hwe think hir thoughts only, move hir arms and legs u
only, taste her sweet tongue
[13Conly, julu, suck her sw
irsweet sweet flesh only, ah ah ah ah ah
[8Bah ah ah ah ah we are, niuko
[40Cwe are
[Jjulu, ah ah ah ah ah
[32Cah ah ah ah ah

[Waiting for connection...]
if i could not write, i would be dead; it's necessary to signify my life.
[8Ba life isn't worth living,,
  Nikuko, if it were dead or such beyond. you must wai
wait here with me, int
  this space residing with me.
waiting if i could not write, julu, signifies nothing. i would write your
your body imminent; i would write your body now, uncover it in one virtual

world after another, skin emptied of all thought -
[Jemptied of all thought except for me, Julu, you within e
me as our mistress, whom

whomever, takes us on like a glove,
[50Cone after another, same think
thinking and no escape, same tune and no horizon
[13Dand no air, Nikuko, and no breathing, no br
breath, nothing but the hold our mistress
[49Chas upon us, julu, taking our
bodies one after another, wearing them visibile and invisible,
[21Dfucking our bodies, julu, sliced open
for hir, available to hir on every level, prim and primitive, her body

, hir body prime fo
for receptioon
n, her we
[63Cours alone, niku

nikuko, our mouths open for hir, oh that she would
[27Dpiss on us, water us i t
n this desert, our mouths wide fo
for hir, we are dy9ing, julu,
[51Cdying of thirst in desiccati
desiccation, oh she must be satisifed, must she not! where and when we
[49Dnikuko, hardly suffering gladly, let me have your
[18;1Hbreast, let me drink from it,
[9;1Hsuckle me, julu, let me bleed open for you and there, drink my blood,
my bitter
[9;1Htears are openings for your speech,
[6Dour sadness, beginn
nings and ed
ndings we are waifs,
[36Cjulu, we are contrary children,
[9Bwe are wayward,, we are misery themselves, we neither shit or d
nor drink,
[68Cneither pis
piss, nikuko, nor eat, we do nothing,
[9;1Hour ms
[57Cwears us
[18;1Hlike a glove,
[18;1Hwe think hir thoughts only, move hir arms and legs u
only, taste her sweet tongue
[13Conly, julu, suck her sw
irsweet sweet flesh only, ah ah ah ah ah
[9Bah ah ah ah ah we are, niuko
[72Cwe are
[Kjulu, ah ah ah ah ah
[11Cah ah ah ah ah

[ Nikuko and Julu, both emanents of a single mistress/master; they're
different but inhabited similarly; they are equally opened; mistress peers
inside them; they're splayed for hir; they are lovers sharing equivalent
bodies; they're four-dimensional beings whose interiors open to any viewer
daring to come close enough; they are both worn like gloves; they
participate on the surface in sado-masochisms; they have no will of their
own; they have given up will; they never had it in the first place; they
speak through me; they meld; their desires, our dreams ... ]

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