Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: The New World
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 22:32:11 -0400 (EDT)
The New World Julu Twine on the Asus eee pc 701 exploring Second Life - very small jpgs to be sure. What is it you can see? That s/he can ride hir own universes in the center of the exhibition space, s/he can add and subtract objects within them, s/he's there for us to be sure - Yes! And s/he has become once again dual-sexed, creating hir way across these spaces dedicated to the new Swiss collider to be sure that may in a very short time destroy all of us, but not really - just as the collider brings new phenomena to the foreground, fundamental, basic, ground-breaking phenomena, so do these tiny universes foreground behaviors that rest uneasy on the ground the rest of us walk on; think of Julu Twine as Pioneer of the Virtual, s/he explores phenomena we can only dream of, bends protocols to hir Will, walks and experiences space-time invisible to the rest of us, perhaps someday s/he will write hir memoirs, they will be poor substitutions for the real thing, but as close as we can get, closer than we are now: Julu! For our sakes! ... Music: (pocket sax) (chromatic harmonica) (chromatic and standard harmonica, modified) To access the Odyssey exhibition The Accidental Artist: