Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: superg
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 03:17:07 -0400 (EDT)
the paths go every which-away and if we could leave our selves behind in the manner of unconventional objects, we would be very careful indeed. but it is true and it is not true, these singing objects. superg pngs these objects sing with the memory of me who will be gone before long and they will carry the memory of me and they will disappear all the way past because of the fragility of virtual worlds and the difficulty of recover of virtual worlds they will be forgotten there are these images and these videos videos which may be called action-movements because they are the memory of actions and the memory of movements which are actions there are many such and there are many such and there are many such these protocol images and these protocol action-movements and they will not survive and they will not survive oh please drink up oh please drink up these images and these action-movements and and these and these and these oh please remember these and these oh please remember me remember me remember me oh please remember me remember me remember me sl