Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: New Music, New Dance
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 19:25:31 -0400 (EDT)
New Music, New Dance Finally I've come to grips with the cobza, tuning it 3/4 of a half note lower, and returning to the tuning in fourths. This makes it easier on the fingers - especially for right-hand. I've worked out ways to play the strings individually - they're now tuned more or less eee' aa dd ggg so the e' is a minor third below the g, which is interestng. It's also possible to pluck the ggg strings somewhat individually - this makes for very fast arpeggios, slides, etc. Traditionally the instrument's played with a pick, often with sweeping motions that make it sound something like a washboard; it's used for accompanying violin this way. I've heard a few plucked solo pieces; there are maybe 3-4 on the net that don't sound oddly clumsy and therefore endearing. At least for myself, a bit of the frustra- tion is going away; I'm ecstatic (for me) about the following. The first is perhaps the oddest; the second is a tour de forest (for me), and the other two build on different techniques. By all (net) accounts, the cobza is going out of existence, except for revival groups; it's the crumhorn or serpent of stringed instruments. But it's fun to play - the entire top of the instrument becomes an odd dancing space for finger-boarding. The confdance piece is a record of an odd dance my avatar did in Second Life while I dutifully prepared for an online component of a conference coming up in Australia. I liked the dance so much I kept the recording, offering it for your (viewing/listing) pleasure. - Alan (just found a signed Bill T. Jones book for a dollar!)