Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: The First Room
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 13:35:50 -0400 (EDT)
===================================================================== The First Room Wizard runs amuck @make-player Nikuko Nikuko (#95) created with password `MEZap' for Nikuko has connected. Nikuko says, "ok" Nikuko says, "Describe the Universe to me." @examine #0 The System Object (#0) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: The System Object The known universe. Key: (None.) Nikuko says, "Describe the World to me."" @examine #1 Root Class (#1) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: nothing (No description set.) Key: (None.) Nikuko says, "Describe Yourself to me." @examine me Wizard (#2) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: Wizard (No description set.) Key: (None.) Nikuko says, "Describe the Thing to me!" @examine #5 generic thing (#5) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: generic thing (No description set.) Key: (None.) Obvious Verbs: g*et/t*ake #5 d*rop/th*row #5 gi*ve/ha*nd #5 to <anything> Nikuko says, "So you are the Makar who Makes the Thing, or I am the Makar or I am the Thing? Nikuko says, "I'm nobody!" @examine #6 generic player (#6) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: generic player Nikuko says, "Come out!" @examine #7 generic exit (#7) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: generic exit Nikuko says, "Come inside me!" @examine #8 generic container (#8) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: generic container (No description set.) Key: (None.) Obvious Verbs: p*ut/in*sert/d*rop <anything> in #8 Nikuko says, "Write 'Thing' inside me" @examine #9 generic note (#9) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: generic note There appears to be some writing on the note ... read #9 "Thing" Nikuko says, "How did you get in me?" @examine #10 Login Commands (#10) is owned by Wizard (#2). Aliases: Login Commands Key: (None.) Nikuko says, "I don't need a key." Nikuko says, "You don't seem to say anything." Nikuko says, "But you're a good fuck, Wizard." Nikuko disconnects with a quiet popping sound. Server panic! Exit. =====================================================================