The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

space and time


making space, space for the talk and the whisper. Space and body breathed
making space, space for the talk and the whisper. Space and body breathed
Mon Oct 18 15:11:42 EDT 1999 This is Jennifer and it's fun making time go
Mon Oct 18 15:11:42 EDT 1999 This is Jennifer and it's fun making time go
life - playing with the the with playing = masturbation - making time fly,
1	grep -h "filling space" texts/* > zz
2	grep -h "wasting space" texts/* >> zz
3	grep -h "making space" texts/* >> zz
4	grep -h "useless space" texts/* >> zz
5	grep -h "filling time" texts/* >> zz
6	grep -h "wasting time" texts/* >> zz
7	grep -h "making time" texts/* >> zz
8	grep -h "useless time" texts/* >> zz


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