Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: distractions
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 11:23:26 -0400 (EDT)
distractions (oud) a repeated song or figure, while i am being distracted by images and issues of muscle tone, my mind tend towards continuous repair and corralling the figures that are produced in this piece, repeatedly, that is to say, with variations, or losing track, backing up, so that this is THE MIND AT WORK and quite possibly as a result the best piece of music/soundwork i have produced, one in which the MIND'S HEART itself is audible, the working through the fantastic, circumlocutions, working through THOUGHT ITSELF which is negated, not allowed to proceed, that is REFUSED PROCEDURE, as if i could allow myself, give myself permission towards or encompassing NO-MIND, which is unavailable, but the beauty of this is, you are a WITNESS TO ME as you have never been before, and along with this, a WITNESS TO ALL HUMANITY as we reach the uncanny sum of SEVEN BILLION, A SPECIES IN VIOLENT AND DISASTROUS BLOOM broken poem 8c8 < continuous repair and corralling the figures that are --- > continuous repair and corraling the figures that are 19c19 < WITNESS TO ME as you have never been before, and along --- > WITNESSS TO ME as you have never been before, and along 22c22 < DISASTROUS BLOOM --- > DISASTROUS BLOOM