The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

kyber house

i vomit up 'kyber' in reference to the clean and proper projection
i have no proper name, no capital reference
there is always a machine devouring what meanders before us
it is always the cold light of a dawn foreclosed
let's say a future anterior dawn already commingling with a night
the night is black like dust
the dance is lost in the black night the night is mechanical
the dance is lost in mechanism the electronic night
this is the hall of performance the hall of inhabiting and code

the body is invaded by the light
the body is transformed into an inconceivable, uncanny object
inside the object, the mind strains and stretches
the muscle memory is wounded in the clear light of kyber
kyber is that object once occupied by depression
kyber is the future that one performs within and against
the body is light like dust
the muscle is lost in the white night the body is supple and decaying
the body sings its decay with its hoarse voice the body falls
the body falls nowhere the body falls into kyber

where is the performer before the projection within the projection
within the projection behind the projection the performer thrives
i am kyber i pay homage to the performer
i am kyber i pay homage to the dust of night and day
to the performer i am kyber i will be kyber
to the dust of night and day i am kyber i will be kyber
kyber is project not projection kyber falls nowhere
kyber is inside the object kyber is inside the mind

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