The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Droned / Drawn / Drowned

oud, sarangi, and jogia sarangi as drone generator
the original piece is removed, the long reverberation murmur
the long reverberation murmurs secrets and unknown tongues
long bells and perfect spheres and untoward, wayward, harmonics
(in droned oud b, the original piece is cut back)

the instruments generate their own drone, drawn drowned
they speak directly to the cosmos
they speak in long-term, terms of sea anonomes and sponges
so slowly, they speak they
they envelop the universes in vac and origin and denouement
graptolites and trilobites
their phonemes are phoneme, their words inaudible word
of sentences they speak nothing, of phrases and words, nothing
they do not come into valley or canyon, they are canyon
haecceity, long gestures of being, ontology
among comings-forth, they are ellipses, so many and one
and many among many, many among one
waters and worlds, fires and plasma, who know, the gods
  know not, the gods know nothing, the gods no nothing
  of the gods

Generated by Mnemosyne 0.12.