Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: -- now carrying --
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 11:01:50 -0400 (EDT)
-- now carrying -- now carrying an object with the face and body of YAMANTAKA... these images: articulation dots; YAMANTAKA; avatar construction plans, face in the sky anymore, i wanted YAMANTAKA's. but the image i think are [ ] YAMANTAKA1 10-dec-2007 18:14 [ ] YAMANTAKA2 10-dec-2007 18:14 ? YAMANTAKA2 ? ? YAMANTAKA1 ? ? YAMANTAKA2 ? ? YAMANTAKA ? ? YAMANTAKA ? ? YAMANTAKA ? ? YAMANTAKA1 ? ? YAMANTAKA2 kumchok jampel tropa, YAMANTAKA, slayer of the lord of death YAMANTAKA face in the sky anymore, i wanted YAMANTAKA's. but the image i think are YAMANTAKA is based on skin around the vocal cords; one sees through speech YAMANTAKA carrying prayer-wheels carrying YAMANTAKA, hungry ghosts reside YAMANTAKA carrying prayerwheels carrying YAMANTAKA, hungry ghosts residing YAMANTAKA, in the midst of hir own corporeality. s/he came here now kumchok jampel tropa, YAMANTAKA, slayer routes. churns homes habitus YAMANTAKA carrying prayer-wheels carrying YAMANTAKA, hungry ghosts reside YAMANTAKA carrying prayer-wheels carrying YAMANTAKA, hungry ghosts reside YAMANTAKA carrying prayerwheels carrying YAMANTAKA, hungry ghosts reside, these images: articulation dots; YAMANTAKA; avatar construction plans, face in the sky anymore, i wanted YAMANTAKA's. but the image i think are | | YAMANTAKA1 | | YAMANTAKA2 | | YAMANTAKA1 | | YAMANTAKA2 | YAMANTAKA | YAMANTAKA transform avatar into deity-emanent, following, introjecting YAMANTAKA or transform avatar into deity-emanent, following, introjecting YAMANTAKA or wetwares wifi willets worlding wryting www yamabushi YAMANTAKA ytalk rectilinear elements of YAMANTAKA fold in upon themselves. if you go YAMANTAKA ytalk zaurus zazen zither YAMANTAKA split apart from your horizon yamabushi = YAMANTAKA = ytalk = zany = zaurus = zazen = zither wwaypointpwebpagewetwarewilletskYAMANTAKAurus worlds of shattering yamataka completed have body inverted YAMANTAKA gen- wrytings wrytten www yamabushi YAMANTAKA ytalk zany zaurus zazen zither tv cataclysm chiasmus unhinging automorphisms stentor YAMANTAKA artworks YAMANTAKA cybermind decathexis artworks symptomologies soundwork ur decathexis cybermind YAMANTAKA stentor sputtering woundatar cums woundatar sputtering stentor YAMANTAKA cybermind decathexis artworks following, introjecting YAMANTAKA or one or another manifestation, moving