The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive


senses; the matching of it with itch is unproper; ahtough that
be also be fingers, itch giving way to momentary pain.:knees and
shoulders:neck and the pleasure in the act of Venus is the
greatest of the pleasures of the senses; the matching of it with
itch is unproper; although that also be pleasing to the touch.
But the causes are profound. First, all the organs of the senses
qualify the motions of the spirits; and make so many several
species of motions, and pleasure or displeasures thereupon, as
there be diversities of organs. The instruments of sight,
hearing, taste, and smell, are of several frame, and so are the
parts for generation. Therefore Scaliger doth well to make the
pleasure of generation a sixth sense; and if there were any
other differing organs, and qualified perforations for the
spirits to pass, there would be more than the five senses;
neither do we well know whether some beasts and birds have not
senses that we know not; and the very scent of dogs is almost a
sense by itself."  senses; the matching of it with itch is
unproper; although that also be body kfor itch sufferers relief
is here tworks all day or all night b possible. It was a demand,
an itch between the legs, the thrust of a fist, a glutch.

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