The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

The New issue of TRUCK is complete!

Enjoy and Please SHARE!!

I was lucky to edit the April 2014 issue of Halvard Johnson's
online Truck magazine. I was on a residency at the Nova Scotia
College of Art and Design when April rolled around; most of the
issue was completed there. I've been thrilled with the quality
of work received and published! I wish I had been able to invite
others to the project, but I've been running out of time. Please
have a look at or
Thank you!

The Contributors and some text:

Anny Ballardini
Ric Royer I do not like kissing. Mouth kissing. ...
Sandy Florian The Welt of the Wrangl...
Andrew Klobucar
Jason Weiss <!--[if supportFields]> SEQ CHAPTER ...
Martha Deed Mustering Out 5 June 1865 I wrote a...
Sheila Murphy from April Poems A third of all li...
Rob Myers #!/bin/bash cat function f...
Dave Miller Sling shot your career! You have be...
Foofwa d'Imobilit Utrus, pice d'intrieur  ...
Murat Nemet-Nejat
mez breeze
Mairead Byrne
Liz Solo IWill Dance Youwill failAndI will grow ...
Maria Damon  Femmage to Creeley
Chris Funkhouser  VORTEX III or IV (IV)HAZE[HAS...
Joel Weishaus YourName, ThisNet for AlanSondheim...
V Manuscript
Jon Woodson The Battle of the Archers you don...
James Morris Code #1Code, no longer my abode,Say...
Vernon Frazer Click on image to view!
Lanny Quarles Daniel Tiffany (In Mie Mie's Kitch...
John Bennett thevomited toast .swelling . sne...


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