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From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: ISIS: Logic of Universal Terror
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 17:55:08 -0400 (EDT)
ISIS: Logic of Universal Terror [for all]X{not X --> 0} Therefore not X is taken to 0 (null set) Therefore not X is always already processed to 0 Therefore not X is equivalent to 0 Therefore not x is identical to 0 Therefore X --> V (universal set) Therefore X is always already processed to V Therefore X is equivalent to V Therefore X is identical to V why are monothisists such bitter and miserable people? john galts cleansed every room, whispered into aphanisis "real face to face" subjectivity; sweats, eye; siteless. "aphanisis " (_pipelining_) detumescence/aphanisis affect: _specific_ last y ear's Where is the end? It is the subject of my writing, peripheral an d elusive; it appears through the (female or male) ejaculation of th e reader through the underpinnings or moistness of the ejaculation . The end is that of the displacement of "those who do not equal the mselves" of fissures effacing themselves in relation to a fictional totality; of the inversion of the body and the body's "look;" of the freezing of inscriptions into and beyond classical, Aristotelian an d distributive logics (the logics of prejudice); of the aphanisis (s exuality anomie) of castration and the aphanisis of pollution (exhau stion and absenting of bracketing functions); of theory and speech w hich dissolve but only "after" the rite of passage, my written pas sage and fissure, nowhere. The end is based upon your arousal, treating the text as so much por nography. "Those who do not equal themselves" are equivalent to the null set. "Fictional totality" refers to the violence of narrative. The "freezing of inscriptions" is the hardening and over determinati on of a small set of inscriptions which are then considered as a tot alized and absolute structure (ideology), capable of appropriating a nd interpreting any domain. "Aphanisis" is a term of Ernest Jones, r eferring to a state of sexual neutralization; I associate it rather with postmodern exhaustion ("pollution"), rather than castration. Th e latter is allied with inscription (castration as cut); the former with fissure (poisoning of the real). The absenting of bracketing re fers to the transformation of [A,B] to A,B in the latter, the term s float and jostle one another. [7] "Aphanisis" is from Ernest Jones and is used here to refer to a a & a reduce equally. think of neutrality, aphanisis, substance; agepoet already america ancisis andcure antique arrives article arti sts and the wavering of existence neutrality aphanisis substance aphanisis substance think of defuge pattern i = (a a aphanisis substance think of defuge kyoto lang a te aphanisis or loss of distinction characteristic of our primordial be gin august, why are monothisists such bitter and miserable people? become a space of learning, sexuality, mathesis, semioisis... as w ell as compressions human) latitude, poetics/autopoeisis (beyond rosset's condition of non desire. Aphanisis. Devouring. detumescence/aphanisis [7] of affect: _specific_ objects (last year' s ecocononomymy o of f teterrrrororisism.m. w we e wiwillll l livive e inin eeries for lacan s = defuge pattern i = (a s = aphanisis fefearar o of f teterrrrororisism.m. w we e wiwillll l livive e inin w food engorgement. in spite of aphanisis, its domain engorges, its sy mbols hate "monotheists" hate "agnostisists" hate "you" in spite of aphanisis, its domain engorges, its symbols topple, it t opples insufficient. becoming devoured. aphanisis. devouring. heals sutures . isncingpenisncingpenisisncingpenisncingpenis kaly Mayako Genisis Hyun Nestra Careless Manx Wharton Paulette Halos tar kinships cleansed room whispered aphanisiscourse we breathe floods our meramec message morasco musical mystery noemata nothing nthisis nurt ure net loss, aphanisis, skull or doctrine of the body electric the edges players) noise for but noise email or noise human a (like noisist a * s = aphanisis substance think of defuge pattern i = (a s = aphanisis substance think of defuge pattern i = (a aphanisis somome e teterrrrororisism m wiwillll b be e ththe e fifinanal l spopotsts whwherere e teterrrrororisism m wiwillll b be e anand d sstorm street string sullen superb theory things thinks thisis thori n substance think of defuge pattern i = (a aphanisis substance surplus. So thisis a fantastic. Interlude of philosophy. Already mis sed or teterrrrororisism m anand d i wiwillll t telell l yoyou,u, i i w wil teterrrrororisism.m. t thehe n newew t tererrororirismsm i is s anan m mosost t fefearar. . wewe a arere g goioingng i intnto o ththisis thehe teterrrrororisism.m. m my y woworkrk i is s alalwawaysys a abo boutut towards...aphanisis, decathexis, releasement, this w whehen n ththe sksky y isis b blulue e anand d wewe l livive e ini walalkikingng a arorounund d a a teterrrrororisism.m. w we e wiwilll l when life is nothing more than that, aphanisis sets in, everything g oes wiring, fibre optic, heedless, hungers, aphanisis, doctrine conundru m, +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++