The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Repetpetition Compulspulsion

like any other illness, a compulsion to write, to rectify, to
bring down force majeure, an "irresistible compulsion" within
the ligaments and ten- hardly a memory, something on the order
of repetition-compulsion, perhaps is my compulsion, and if I
don't feel I've completed work for the day - the compulsion has
to be be coupled with necessity, the 'natural' continuation,
repetition, the neurotic compulsion to repeat, is essential;
these force majeure, an "irresistible compulsion" within the
ligaments and tension - compulsion. The narrative of and through
the gap is an addictive one, primeval, drawn out of the
compulsion to speak the spell or rite that will exhaustion of
it. the drug the addiction the obsession the compulsion of and
type into the night; it's my compulsion; it's my obsession, my
like any other illness, a compulsion to write, to rectify, to
bring down sive compulsion to return again and again to the
terminal as a guarantee the hysteria is brought about by a
neurotic compulsion which cannot else. i have to leave my mark
everywhere. i recognize the compulsion. i write about the
compulsion and against the compulsion. i'd like to see bush
dead. his compulsion ruins the world. i see my ugly is my
compulsion, and if I don't feel I've completed work for the day
- The compulsion has to be be coupled with necessity, the
'natural' hardly a memory, something on the order of repetition-
compulsion, perhaps wryting spews through sexual fantasy,
obsessive thinking, compulsion spews through sexual fantasy,
obsessive thinking, compulsion, again always is my compulsion,
and if I don't feel I've completed work for the day -
repetition, opens mad, driven repetition, and of compulsion
Fifth, feet, repetition The avatars of or no compulsion part
tion, his compulsion ruins the world. i see my ugly looms. do i
need feeling you're seduced i'd bush dead. his compulsion ruins
disint like any other death, compulsion to write, to like
neurotic-obsessive compulsion mirror-stage which transforms,
problematically, to a compulsion to return again and again to
the terminal as a guaranteed reterun, again and again.

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