Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: a police
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2014 22:51:22 -0500 (EST)
a police police-scanner Quan father fight (ex-police felt Court. got So, deal help Kangaroo him. called the police - who deliberately did nothing, telling us things like, Death and Hell ... its secret police, DINA, to abduct, torture and home by police .Once Deads Avatar Once Dead Once Dead is offline 05-05-2002 23:58:07.29 - Actiontec 56K Modem closed. 'police...' _ yunghealed _ Avenue It with 2. Maps, North-East Civic police, and Highly - Dear policeman, I AM God, it read. Baruch. British British Info Info La La Guardia, Guardia, Churchill police pope and tsar, Metternich and Guizot; French radicals and German police." to the police. They'd never understand you. You're mixed up in the busi- sixteen years. George W. Bush has now ... ... its secret police, DINA, to navy, and a Yea, police that's officer, why hunted he officers, was and in email lists with a 'bad pun,' Yorkshire Heights police reported last secret police, DINA, abduct, torture kill anyone opposed regime. squads ing their way across rocky landscapes, marauding gangs of police have number of names. across the street, a police car with lights on is Dear policeman, I am God, it read. This is better, an escape clause from the thinking police, on the lawn and I remember him being taken away by the police after made by soldiers and a bad class of policemen! trucks, firetruck, police and ambulance, ambulance, ambulance, in others then we left and he was taken into custody and the police said he had just Crime and hatred and stereotyping have their own simulacra. The police are ing and outgoing and the police might know that there are things there. At The Haitian man and white woman insisted that the police officers had a policecar pulled another over. There was a young man with gang colors and police for arrangements. morning, find food at the bodega down on Dean near the police station. i dream police-tape barriers holding back the artifices of destruction except for a bodega next to the policestation around the corner from the possibility. ought police book warning account he thought his boos would complain to the police. scared about a prison taxis, race-cars (?!), business, airports, etc.; it also gives police and to the police but were told the only charge we could make was so violent. We called the doctor and said we'd be late. The police came. this fray, i can give you any number of names. across the street, a police watch. A police car and ambulance drove up. The driver was carried away on soldiers and bad class class of policemen! made until blood, earth blood non-violence patients wins clients policeman arrests cobbler repairs right around the corner from us. The book gives frequencies from police, two police officers dead. she was sentenced for 58 years in prison for out of them. death and hell ... ... its secret police, dina, to police-tape barriers, artifice,s destruction would be hunted down - we fell down - sustained minor injuries - police helped and we came back gardless of the economic, military, police, psychological techniques taunted taunted considering father chief (ex-police Quan, chief defended disappeared from London, five thousand extra policemen They hoped for immediately surrounded by four police cars asked leave bus. hid toilet but was a decent gentleman and yet a policeman is still in worse and guilty sure he was going to hit me. I kept thinking: here's the police was police the got police boyfriend her custody. in someone someone chased locksmith. The police had no idea what happened and the locksmith speakers, poverty, rundown housing, ruins, police sirens, water leaks, mnt mounting him in full view of the homeless shelter~ Proper police fire and police in my area, a continuous barrage, anyway so the letters military, police, techniques inflict wound signifying suffering, forbidden laden hardly p is osama bin laden expands the police powers of the policemen died today; it was on the radio. I also don't understand the A Missouri grand jury has decided not to indict Ferguson police Officer the police didn't know either when they came and took the body away. He and I don't know what happened to the woman, or the police or the cause or of patients. The lawyer wins for clients. The policeman arrests criminals. the police had left and then left with the bus and the street was event by police-cars, lights flashing: an event of the future anterior, police and a locksmith. The police had no idea what happened and the smoking smoked police locksmith. locksmith installed deadbolt internally police killed two longshoremen firemen left we looked around, found no one, called the police and a Japanese police have more important things to worry about than a dead Yea, the that's navy, why a he police was officer, in hunted the officers, middle of the night, avoiding the police and rednecks screaming faggot, environmental laws. there's no sanitation or police plan in place. police being ordered not to report crime unless they absolutely have to; side; they were not understood and the police broke it up.'" Gnaw! Gnaw! masturbated in front of her. we were immediately surrounded by four police on this side of the house and the police of course haven't done much of coward; I'm afraid of the police, of jail, torture, beatings. All I can do towards the authority of the police; nothing helped. My photographs were genovese dies, no one calls the police, she's being murdered, while noise never cease. In one hour, I counted sixty-eight phonecalls. The police hardly p is osama bin laden expands the police powers of the hardly p is police are _not_ our friends, and in some circumstances, are not Mosset's. he's running out the dark, brown leather jacket. if the police Local police will perform rearguard holding actions at best. Highway little contestation for physical (asychronous). There are major police racism of the police department constructs a tendency towards _these_ in- and here's the police leakage across the border. You check INTO with the sounds; police radio - note the stranded I will fight police throwing me in filthy cell! more but the police watch CADRE-L and I cannot use obsessive language children defy the police, capture a meat dealer and mob the police after conventions, of its police, of its discipline, of its wrappings and of blow from a policeman's fist, against which there can be no There were a policewoman and policeman in the car. I explained what suicide. That's a possibility. I think we ought to police the ation as police rocket by, remarket configurations; the nub of altered- back onto the roof i'm to call the police. but i won't. not jefe paving, bottom, runoff. paving houses. police. schooling factory stay fury policemen soldiers set rid apostasy dire consequences genovese dies, police, she's noise god said son you're breath let go soldiers, So police, soldiers, homicidal police, care, homicidal whether mysterious police took station questioning tired do. greeted done george's here, and the story of the police. There is some schooling and the jefe occasion: chemical warfare suits, fire-fighting masks, police batons, registration police; helped. tampered _preparation hole:_ ignorantly be more entertaining than policescanner and perhaps more musical u;m s ure that - what's his name =- the guy from the police - hold on, by police over the death mask to But violence is grim mayor Jeremy Harris police are looking. the police are looking for you................:or and trash us; the police don't give a damn. "Scandal begins when the police put a stop to it." (Karl Kraus.) had gone to the police station in Ontario for questioning and came back the action of the police, as by the perpetrator himself. men fighting out there. Today going to police, took them twenty minutes to seen the whole thing. I stopped traffic for the police; I counseled the the day of this girl's release, he hadpolice inspector testified that, at police-scanner psychotopography */useless to date/* */environmental down the street to interfere. Near the corner two police cars pulled up shock, we have to leave, the police were called. And was told to "It never occurred to me to worry about the police." (This was sent to our block association. Beware the police: at least in Black pigeon next to the police station. net, police suggest to watch for the following - withdrawal from family as policehamscanner tends towards gaps in transmission, bandwidth skit- the driver, directed traffic, others called ambulance, police, and fire promise to clean up her act, police told we have to get tough with abusive cops planned to use judson after her divorce from tacoma police chief dav- ambulance, firetruck, police vehicles, others involved in the regulation street. The nephew walked away down the street away from the police the occasion: chemical warfare suits, fire-fighting masks, police batons, asleep; the weather was beautiful. He died in his sleep; police said sad plate number and we immediately called the police. There was also an eye- police, and then what? I was at a loss. The ghost, by the way, gone we us will blood, kill blood them we ourselves will policemen! kill ambulance, the police will make way, theyll' let them through, theyll' a police car with lights on is waiting - now screaming, pulling up argument between a woman, black, around 35, and two police officers, un- him. But he would be a king to a policeman who for a lazy loafing Paddys land What would people say if I became a policeman and took an look over there, you can see the police cars at a distance, ,,,,