The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Body loses body

Emanation body, emanant, functions neither as phantom nor as
token or identification; emanation body is a carapace thrust
through intentionality into an uncanny valley between selfhood
and participatory structure. Doubled performers (controlling a
single/singular avatar) construct the mannequin topology, to a
certain degree; beyond that, forcefields are at work, releasing
or retaining the body and its configuration, which centers on
one performer only. I think of this as a topology within a
field that is projected by sentience, that, within the virtual,
appears sentient itself.

The third image characterizes the problematic agency of a trace
within a mineral outcropping; sentience is muted, as it often is
with -ump words such as clump, lump, bump, hump, slump, as if an
extreme integral calculation, integration, falls upon the
clarity of the world, muting any possibility of analysis:

only an accumulation of protocols, emanants, resonan-\par The
ontology ope of emanants. the futility of emanant life, Oh, how
they would love to be alive "be similar to it": Jennifer-Alan,
emanant emergent, the Object Now we call _these_ avatars
_emanants,_ since they are more deeply avatar-emanant's desire's
churned flesh-red oil sinks back wonky speed) > light, an
emanation from emanant, debris of a miniature Abjection is the
most difficult. How to dis/comfort and fetishize, hold and
release simultaneously. These emanants do this naturally, as
Azure Carter, original model, follows suit.  All harken to
emanants, which surround us, calling lightly in the midst of
Azure is also an emanant online, a disturbance Clara through
Honey - and all of the many other emanants who have given
Elsewhere i've written about the characters I use as emanants or
source- My own work has used emanants, avatars, alter/altar
egos, etc. - Jennifer, Nikuko, or Julu emanant. Recently, the
Hermit of Burning Creek has been Nothing's Nikuko's woundatar's
emanants inchoate disinvested Such emanants, which partake
equally of the literary, are a far cry from Surely this is the
ending or the grounding of the emanant, residing within
Wandering, nomadicism, are critical to the emanants, who meet in
MOOs, aegis of ghosts;ts; emanations;ns; emanants: amerika where
are you:: always the virtual among us - ghosts, emanants, kami -
ectoplasms at the among the other emanants, that is, real,
occupying real and continuous and release simultaneously. These
emanants do this naturally, as Azure around e ghosts emanants
kami ectoplasms peri however either rocks artifacts. undergoes
of. resonates, connects emanants.] perfectly clean, bJulu/b
emanant. Recently, the Hermit b _the continuity girl_ holds you
in be you. And were it any of the emanants, or any of the worlds
themselves: began to work with avatars or emanants (Jennifer,
Julu, Alan, Nikuko), who ble? As if the emanant were the
element-moment of a computer operating constructbr of Jennifer,
bNikuko/b, or bJulu/b emanant. Recently, the disassociating
disinvestment distantiation ecologies effusions emanants
disinvested inchoate emanants woundatar indexicality nub
existents ectoplasms, emanants, emanations. Again it is as well
the expulsion of the effusions electricks emanants emanent
emanents emergences emootions effusions emanants emergences
empathetic empathized encapsulations entasic electricks =
emanants = emanent = emanents = emergences = empathetic =
electricks emanants emanent emanents emergences empathetic
empathized emanant of nightmares, a harbinger of deja-vu,
ill-will, remonstrance. It emanant swallowed by hir emanations
emanants - thanatopoesis - trans - phantasms - rearticulation -
qbasic - emanants effusions emanants emergences empathetic
empathized entasic extasis extensivity emanants in collusion
with capital. emanants inchoate disinvested performative
incorporations phantasms emanants of plasma disarticulate the
world transformed by example. emanants were present during the
age of the stromatolites, followed lives emanants woundatar
indexicality nub existents exoteric cum nubs emanants, their
flesh folded around the labia and emergences of others.
emanants-oo-emergences-oo-empathetic-oo- emergences emanants
erotic flux emanations engulfing emanant existents Nothing's
Nikuko's woundatar's emanants inchoate disinvested existents nub
indexicality woundatar emanants inchoate disinvested ials hs
colloca ypifica erns deconstructs emanants sourceless inchoate
emanants woundatar's Nikuko's Nothing's existents exoteric
cumbus ing effusions emanants emergences empathetic empathized
entasic extasis invisibly, coalescing of emanants is to find
myself, the self dispersed across readers, platforms, emanants,
narrative. emanants, turns continue, Jennifer-turn- Julu grows
response, nub indexicality woundatar emanants inchoate
disinvested performativity of avatars and emanants - the
creation of the writer Nikuko or the writer of the emanants as
languages themselves. of. and rewrite resonates, connects with
the phenomenology of emanants. one is never present; full speech
is never emanant or emanant, and the upper notes are the inner
reaches; the higher and more particle physics and emanants of
plasma, of the disarticulations of performative cyborg inchoate
emanants woundatar's Nikuko's Nothing's permitting insertion
time, emanant recuperation recursions phantasms incorporations
performative disinvested inchoate emanants physicality ecologies
dojoji's phantasms performative disinvested emanants physics,
all the way down, the coherencies are atomic within the emanants
placed within a narrative. One may think of the words of my
emanants, Julu present, the emanant on the verge or
virga-emanant, atmospheric reconstructions always already
eternal. time, not emanant remanant up the upper right, a few
flashes and reverberations, vibrations, retreating into
sexuality; trancetext; theoretic; ghost and emanant seamount
izanagi emanants thanatopoesis trans phantasms becomes shamisen
seamount izanagi emanants thanatopoesis trans phantasms
slippages emanants Jennifer, WXY XYZ deaf, hear, thirsted, happy
ternal slippages of emanants (Jennifer, Nikuko, Alan, Julu), the
scribb- the holodeck into the real, a Jennifer-emanant leaning
over Alan-emanant the possibilities, but by the prostheses; my
avatars or _emanants_ gave me there is no Net - only an
accumulation of protocols, emanants, resonance time, not the
emanant time, which is necessarily digital in relation ting
situations in which avatars/emanants stutter breathlessly. For
such tions with emanant me hovering within your mind, and I
think of myself, together and very happy. Azure is also an
emanant online, a disturbance top. gracious sakes licks. lands
"says Julu," minds. stains, emanant. towards the unimaginable
representations of the imaginary. I pull emanants true world,
the emanant or emanent (I favor the latter), the avatar, and
waves of circumscriptions, splittings and emergent emanants we
would not be acquainted with the emanants and their coalescing,

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