Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: Ise Monogatari, madness, she never replied
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 23:38:28 -0400 (EDT)
Ise Monogatari, madness, she never replied pipa head = heard crushed by it. But this form of madness cannot be produced by psychiatry. It is a madness of the _logos_ and is highly rational. It involves country anarchy had, madness setting in, elsewhere, destruc- tion good it wasn't my own madness setting in, that it was elsewhere, the destruc- it wasn't my own madness setting in, that it was elsewhere, the destruc- of the madness of the body::: genetic acid redux; Aspirin to live forever; ontology and so much real existence:of madness of the body::: genetic acid ( the madness of the image ( the madness of the light ( madness of the image ( madness of the light of a thing this IS a .s note! thought. between madness and .s, this pain note! thought. between madness pain looms. need atten- ugly young." It is not a question of madness, but of a body perfectly attuned to of the madness of the body::: genetic acid redux; Aspirin to live forever; ontology and so much real existence:of madness of the body::: genetic acid ( the madness of the image ( the madness of the light ( madness of the image ( madness of the light little intermission... day mind history history, fear it; way lies madness itself madness. Thank God, analysis very rarely succeeds in that, but we "I must explain, lest I be suspected of symbolism or madness. I was at Because that way madness lies. Because it may be a tissue of lies, but a ple madness, lost in the name-of-the-Father - or definitely, yeah, easier to country anarchy had, madness setting in, elsewhere, destruction, good it wasn't my own madness setting in, that it was elsewhere, the destruction of the madness of the body::: genetic acid redux; ontology and so much real existence:of madness of the any madness whatsoever, among those orderly and placid masses that are lost as well; bytes are bedded in gone-worlds, madness; pretend otherwise, you will see the dance and madness of the Insomniac! Overfeed on hope and you'll sicken with madness. truth lies in madness and depression in a concussion: sometimes there is madness in contusion: what and clipped that monster Jennifer: The madness is upon us. We will all be dying in the madness. Jennifer: The madness is here. Yay, though the madness is here, ( the madness of the image ( the madness of the light ( madness of the image ( madness of the light madness of organs. the organist takes care of things. the organist talking, no madness in the clinging world atone being madnessmadnessmadness setq sadness madness can plan madnessmadnessmadness setq perverse madness truely really sigh remember more than can setq sore sign madness badness sadness sore sign perverse madnessmadnessmadness more than can madnessmadnessmadness really setq crying madness reverse crying madness perverse reverse crying madness perverse crying reverse crying madness perverse setq crying crying madness crying dead t madness crying madness t madness perverse nil madness crying perverse t madnessmadnessmadness ( the madness of the image ( the madness of the light ( madness of the image ( madness of the light any madness whatsoever, among those orderly and placid masses that are ger. Follow the madness of Holderlin, uselessness of Heidegger, swerve, down with madness, Holderlin wrote to the same friend, recalling his is lost as well; bytes are bedded in gone-worlds, madness; pretend other- echoing, finally damping out with the intensity of love's madness in a You will see the dance and madness of the Insomniac! Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness %s is not listening You death or madness. Oh! Which shall it be? What signs are visible here, what thought. between madness and suicide, this pain looms. do i need atten- Overfeed on hope and you'll sicken with madness." truth lies in madness and depression; if you do the mathematics of the in a concussion: sometimes there is madness in contusion: what and clipped crazy convoluted libretto madness wit, extenuating circumstances, less on the far side of holderlin i already sense my madness. on the left side that monster devouring all sentient beings; i can taste my madness, my pure madness of pure faith. The worst violence. The more than One is this of the madness of the body::: genetic acid redux; Aspirin to live forever; ontology and so much real existence:of madness of the body::: genetic acid Jennifer: The madness is upon us. We will all be dying in the madness. Jennifer: The madness is here. Yay, though the madness is here, ( the madness of the image ( the madness of the light ( madness of the image ( madness of the light we're born programmed with inconceivable madness programmed with inconceivable madness - i swear there's never anything inconceivable madness - i swear there's never anything else to say - programmed with inconceivable madness - i swear there's never anything Talking about yourself is a sign of madness! Talking about yourself is a sign of madness! Talking about yourself is a sign of madness! Trying to wake yourself up is the eighth sign of madness. for good or evil, and these ... of this madness and cold war paranoia, = <B>evil</B>, and these <B>...</B> of this madness and cold war = madness of organs the madness of organs. the organist takes care of things. the organist madness clues of identity, madness, influence, primogeniture. and i am ashamed of Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. no madness in the clinging world!!!