The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Against the mind and body of Hilary Clinton: * **

lie / false / untrue / lying / incriminate / not true /
guilty / guilt / fault / false / killed / witch / political

demonstrably false? Why not tell them to shut up then? Carly
Fiorina has Republican chairman of five House committees issued
a report falsely Mitchell correctly called him out on something
that was a falsehood. statement we all know is false. But don't
take my word for it. Here's what false narrative start?

CLINTON: Well, that it was factually untrue. And I think your
questioning to be untrue was that DOD withheld sending air
support. And indeed, the inn Benghazi and applying it for other
locations? understand that the underlying point of your request
question is, what intelligence. That is, she was relying... You
wrote, what about the idea of my flying to Martha's Vineyard to
see levers," so aren't you implying that it's his responsibility
to figure out basically implying that you don't care. OK?
There's no other way to The line of questioning is implying that
you don't care. And there are two what you're implying about
Admiral Mullen, and I will not sit here and

ANDREA MITCHELL, MSNBC ANCHOR: That is factually not true.

CUMMINGS: That's not true.

CLINTON: Well, that's just not true, Congressman. I know --
fault, but then also it's worth pointing out that there was $20
million demonstrably false? Why not tell them to shut up then?
Carly Fiorina has Republican chairman of five House committees
issued a report falsely Mitchell correctly called him out on
something that was a falsehood. statement we all know is false.
But don't take my word for it. Here's what false narrative
start? the attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi,
Libya. This is a full country with courage and with honor. And
they were killed under

GOWDY: Justice for those that killed them. We owe their families
our attacked and these four men were killed, the truth about
requests for four people who were killed representing our
country on foreign soil. It is about what happened before,
during and after the attacks that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen
Doherty worked for the CIA. They were killed by mistake, the
risks are real. Terrorists have killed more than 65 American
attacked our embassy and killed 63 people, including 17
Americans, and then in a later attack attacked our Marine
barracks and killed so many actually focus on the four brave
Americans who were killed, why they were killed, and focus on
Benghazi. And we have not. Mr. Roskam's questions I ambassador
killed since 1979?

POMPEO: On September 11th, on the day that he was killed,
Ambassador officers were killed today in Benghazi by an Al
Qaeda- like group." killed. And that is on June the 7th, 2012.
Also on June the 7th 2012, your Ambassador Stevens was killed?
200 folks were killed. Here's what its recommendation said, it
said before Gadhafi was killed, and then turn your attention to
other things. I And in Pakistan, at least one protester was
killed. point out, all the way to Indonesia. Thankfully, no
Americans were killed,

CLINTON: Cartoons sparked two al-Qaeda-trained (ph) attackers
who killed, confirmed that one of our State Department officers
was killed. You said to your family, terrorists killed two of
our good people. So your you told your family about Benghazi, it
was, terrorists killed two of our ambassador. Less than four
months later, he was killed. But the number of American
diplomats being killed, but it was a constant challenge to us.
from when our four fellow Americans were killed. The author of
the e-mail

SANCHEZ: I want to switch line of questioning for just a second.
I've got fact-centric investigation in such a, quote, "political
environment." political football. Two, find the facts. Three, do
everything in your as being very important at that time, which
is political reporting. political reporting. And my question is,
you know, why did you not was the political reporting? Then in
2011, 2010, and when an am bass that the work that this
committee has done has been political in nature. that you work
with, loved to send you political and image advice, had intent
on seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. He and his political
intervention in Libya, gave you political advice on how to take
credit for you meaningless political advice. You also have
people and processes in including the opportunity to, quote,
"monitor political trends and public getting political credit
actually for months on this? In fact, your staff told you that
they thought it would be a political planning on how to make
your statement dramatic to maximize political opportunity is
seized to turn progress in Libya into a political win for

CLINTON: Well, Congressman, that is only a political statement
which you efforts were directed at you. As he spoke at a
political even in New Hampshire, Chairman Issa had said he came
to that political event in New Benghazi except as a means of
trying to attack you or make a political to be partisan, you
know, then we got a recitation of your political back helpful to
the political process and it is damn sure not helpful to the
ever be used for partisan political purposes. And I'm hoping
that we can political badgering that may come my way. I have
seen the personification He served as under secretary of state
for political affairs, he served as [...]

* I hated the witch-hunt, the implicit violence against her; I
hated the fishing for anything to bring her down, given her poll
numbers. Too much like the McCarthy Hearings, too much rhetori-
cal violence in the guise of "just searching for the truth."
These people are dangerous, their candidates literally falling
over each other, outgunning each other with outrage.

** We lost our place in a land-grab / realestate bubble, after
fighting and losing, against developers in Brooklyn who were
buying properties around the new Barclay Center project. Now
we're in Rhode Island, priced out of the city; there are a lot
of us who had to leave, and a lot of people struggling in one of
the greatest cities on earth with one of the greatest income
inequalities (and Providence is ninth on the list for that

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