Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: Azure's Wonderful New Song Miasmatic!
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 01:57:28 -0500 (EST)
Azure's Wonderful New Song Miasmatic! Azure Carter, voice, lyrics Alan Sondheim, pump organ Four versions of Miasmatic, all in preparation for the next/ other; trmph preparation for the versions. triomph2 is an abbreviation; one is an ecstasy; two, three, and former are variations; in Aristotle's On Coming-To-Be and Passing-Away, there are two circulations, that of the same returning to the same, and that of the same returning to an enumerated same; MIASMATIC (Azure Carter) What happens when the world Falters What happens when sex And I occur I am lost In the miasma Surfeit of shapes Connect the dots Curtailed by writing Theory and practice Withdrawal from the real Virtual worlds I sounded like an idiot I cant control my words I feel like an idiot I cant control my words I think I am an idiot I cant control my words Youre my heroin Caffeine, serotonin Cocaine, alcohol Strychnine Youre impossible Lost and found From outer space Strange attractors Broken hearts Ghastly sadness I dream of drowning Hearts divided I sounded like an idiot I cant control my words I feel like an idiot I cant control my words I think I am an idiot I cant control my words I think I am an idiot I cant control my words To which I add: ahoConcise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera aho[ind.] exclamation of surprise or consternation. ahoPTS Pali-English dictionary The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary Ahoindecl. [Sk. ahofor etym. see aha1] exclamation of surpriseastonishment or consternationyeaindeedwell I say! for sure! VvA.103 aho ti acchariyatthena nipto J.I88 aho acchariya aho abbhuta140. Usually combd. with similar emphatic particlese. g. aho vata DhA.II85 PvA.131 = sdhu vata aho vata re D.II107 Pv.II94 5. Cp. ahe. Page 92 ahoPali-Dictionary Vipassana Research Institute ahoOh! ah! AH!