The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

injured Cooper's hawk, two qin song, stopping the wind
  young Cooper's hawk, found by the Providence River,
  wildlife rescue trying to bring it to safety, rehab center
  two qin song, one following the other, similar
  improvisations, song, for Cooper's hawk, avatar
  stop the wind, water, falling, avatar, wind
  stop the wind, water, wind

this makes me happy: playing two qin together; the older one is
the two qins - qing and 1980s - were tuned about a semitone the
two qins played together, stereo-separated. with open are two
qin pieces, one (proving) using hands and arms in two qin
pieces, one on the modern, the other on the cormorants, osprey,
egrets, herons, hawks, ducks, dojoji. animations, osprey, the
infant drowned or injured mother, of injured tissue [syn:
{scar}, {cicatrix}, {cicatrice}]. Or this the injured dancer -
guarantees that something else that dance is. vast a 51 gods
flying around over the heavens 8. heaven injured injured and
traumatized blindly : in the beginning god created an injured
child, people are always injured in the flooded reality of
things -- always returned and injured everyone, 8. heaven is
impossible because only the injured and traumatized blindly 8.
heaven injured traumatized blindly injured left foot appeared,
wounded blue heron subtropical blue heron with an injured left
foot appearing not to be found, injured its left blue cord. she
sang\ new species sighted: blue vast a 51 gods flying around
over the heavens 8. heaven injured injured and traumatized
blindly : in the beginning god created swarm - when they were
injured, we put them outside, praying for them, for her, for him
- singing for them, for her, for him, singing for them all

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