The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

during the hiatus of borrowing singing

azure carter, voice, alan sondheim, qin

Aloor, aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh youngman,
Oh maiden, bind the stalks!
Oh maiden, the sheaves and the stalks!
Oh maiden, the stalks are unbound!
Oh maiden, the stalks are unbound!
Aloor, aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden,
Oh maiden, the stalks will be bound!
Oh maiden, unbind the stalks!
Oh youngman, the stalks and the sheaves!

The end-users stalk and run the earth; the end-users see the
ends of Yells a bit. In the dream there is a moan. Fear stalks.
Yells a bit. Into the dream there is a moan. Fear stalks. tre a
scam cam a scope cope a lap slap a splay play a stalk talk a
slope lope again; death stalks me all my life. I live with the
potential of suicide; aloft carrying stalks of wheat and yarrow
analysis of savannah-gesture, cat stalking smaller rodents,
human and the sheaves! Aloor, aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh youngman,
the stalks and and yarrow stalks me all my life. I live with the
potential of aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden, the stalks and the
sheaves! Aloor, aroo authoring [like again; stalks my life. live
with potential, bamboo stalks in them, replied Nikuko. be
careful of izanagi who has Powers' to herself stalking nikuko
gazing be stalks beanstalk poking *stalactite *shadowy figure
and/or dwarf's axe *cave because I can't stalk the past, shunt
off the trail into the tunnels. because night soared aloft
carrying stalks of wheat and yarrow brink stalk rank thin
blasted sprung of the moon-stalked sun, carrying stalks of wheat
and yarrow pluckrose just stalk cockpit the into down stalks
onto wire piano by held blades enormous comedianstalkies
themselves situation smallest oealia scalding committed heinous
crimes realize hard stalks keyboard, never within. cope a lap
slap a splay play a stalk talk a slope lope again; death is a
woman stalking me death stalks death stalks me all my life. I
live with the potential of death stalks me. i keep thinking: now
is the five-hundred-forty, death which stalks the keyboard,
never from within. The silence is never devoured magicians
declare thin favoured man her stalking the dial-in semperfi
numberone ibmpcat ibmsux sombrero a stalker trails! do not get
that. my work is so clumsy! nikuko won't stop stalking to me.
doestalking ometime now silence die alcium walls pond dong down
stalks onto wire piano by held blades enormous by cut be will
you down the stalk or sides, quantum tunnelings because night
soared eighteen votes. won't leave me alone, when I'm not be
stalked by eighteen energies creation! stalks savannahs,
deserts, tasting infinity, hopes every possession reminiscent of
that of a lover/stalker in exalted qualmes stalkes swallows
shalt fealtie deals swallows swallowd existent. well again;
stalks me life. live potential >> author fatfleshed meadow ill
leanfleshed brink stalk rank thin blasted sprung filled with
because night soared aloft carrying stalks of wheat
five-hundred-forty, we consider bamboo stalks, and after that,
to roughly flail waving knives killing. be cut blades held by
piano wire onto stalks followed she into a didn't and know him.
down stalks onto wire get, eject. "Primitively it represents
stalks growing out of the ground." ghost fatfleshed meadow ill
leanfleshed brink stalk rank thin has done nothing but stalked
stalks me all my life. I live with here they are. further down
the stalk or sides, quantum tunnelings hopes overflowed
stalkings, unafraid naive tb's strike, how I was burned into my
own nightmare, how I stalked night after night, humming;
requires ACR: Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio. How do we i'll
longer existent. well again; stalks me life. live potential in
my ear. Death stalks me in the mornings, stalks me all day, but
the intention hell. go helicopters ointments down stalks onto
wire into down stalks onto wire piano by held blades enormous of
into the tunnels. in my ear. Death stalks me in the mornings,
woman stalking You thought I'd want tunnel horizon; itself
weaves sutures worlds, which spoken my ear. stalks mornings, all
jealousie exalted jealousie stalkes realities realmes jennifer
said 'that nikuko told her julu was stalking azure saying alan
know this? Think again; death stalks me all my life. I live with
last fuck closing Net stalkings down forever, garment holes
filled with lay, aroo stalks! Aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden, the
sheaves leave me alone, when I'm not be stalked by eighteen
paper. live with potential Oh maiden, the stalks are unbound!
Aloor, man her stalking the followed she into a didn't and know
him. night after night, again; death stalks me all my life. I
live nothing but the talking, not even the stalking. I write
because of this, of intention hell. go helicopters ointments
down stalks onto wire piano by of philosophy stalking the won't
leave me alone, when I'm not be of the moon-stalked sun, the
world had teeth of this, because I can't stalk the past, shunt
off the trail on alan stalking azure touching jennifer saying
'she has Powers' to julu overflowed stalkings, unafraid naive
tb's strike, nothing's happening, paper. stalks thinking: forget
new monster appear, obscene _enunciation._ philosophy stalking
the jennifer's philosophy is the only piano wire onto stalks
stalks waving be stalks pluckrose just stalk --drydendo men
grapes thorns figs thistles?viiheathen possession reminiscent of
that of a lover/stalker in search of an refuses jennifer's
manifesto on the uselessness of philosophy stalking the
represents stalks growing out of the ground." requires ACR:
Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio. How do we know this? Think
scalding oealia swallowd stalkes scales scalding stalkes scarred
and stalking scientifically second bookshelf planting my stalk
in your lovely flower scrumptious /botanical/planting stalk
search of an analysis of savannah-gesture, cat stalking smaller
sed 's/botanical/planting my stalk in your lovely flower,
quantum tunnelings beanstalk poking *stalactite *shadowy sky,
those broken stalks, those leaves, i remember, i'd be waiting
... smallest oealia scalding scalding oealia swallowd stalkes
scales scalding sombrero a stalker trails! whole again meanwhile
silent speak to you, become you. I stalk the dark corridors of
sex, time, and

stalk the dark corridors of sex, time, and stalked how I was
burned into my own nightmare, and how I stalked and how the
stalker he clearly is

stalker. I laughed, said Jennifer, at the stupid rhyme, not at
the crime. stalkes jealousie exalted jealousie stalkes realities
realmes unalterably stalking and gaslight stalking azure saying
alan be careful of izanagi who has Powers' stalking death mute
is the way to go. nothing ever drops from the sky. i stalking
the jennifer's philosophy is the only i'll longer stalking to
me. >> author authoring [like again; stalks my life. stalks in
them, replied Nikuko. because night soared aloft stalks
keyboard, never within. woman stalking You thought I'd stalks me
all day, but the "Have you ever raped, robbed, stalked stalks me
all my life. I live with the potential of .s; age close of
stalks me. i keep thinking: now is the eighteen votes. won't
stalks mornings, all committed heinous crimes hard stalks of
wheat and yarrow fatfleshed meadow ill leanfleshed stalks
thinking: forget new monster appear, obscene

stalks waving stalks! Aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden, bind the
stalks! Aroo stalks! Aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden, the sheaves
will be bound! Aloor,

stalks. scientifically second bookshelf planting my stalk in
still awoke stalk withered sprung devoured magicians declare
thin favoured sure of it. I can sense stalking a mile away. He
walked like a suspends, smash. within; muffled, verb's lurks,
yells bit. moan. stalks. swallows swallowd here they are.
further down the stalk or syntax, full undeliberate error.
simulates, stalks, leaves, remember, thao! savannah-gesture,
stalking rodents, mastodon pointing, indexical? the potential of
.s; age close of existent. well again; stalks the stalks are
unbound! Aloor, aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden, the stalks the
stalks! Aroo lay, aroo lay! Oh maiden, bind the stalks! Aroo
lay, aroo their accounts overflowed with TB, TB with NET
stalkings, closed they are. further down the stalk or sides,
syntax, full through my flesh like paper. death stalks me. i
keep thinking: now is the to herself stalking nikuko gazing on
alan stalking azure to roughly bamboo stalks in them, replied
Nikuko. stalker. I tre has very often saved a Play, though he
has done nothing but stalked unalterably exalted qualmes stalkes
swallows shalt fealtie deals undeliberate error. simulates,
stalks, leaves, remember, verb's lurks, yells bit. moan. stalks.
here they are. further we consider bamboo stalks, and after
that, to roughly bamboo whole again meanwhile silent talkies
themselves situation will be bound! Aloor, aroo lay, aroo lay!
Oh maiden, the stalks woman stalking You thought I'd want tunnel
horizon; anything less intoler won't leave me alone, when I'm
not be stalked by eighteen year old guys you watch and here they
are. further down the stalk or sides, your lovely flower Dont
listen to him while he's stalking I was listening to her

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