Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: Interference
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 19:42:36 -0500 (EST)
Interference abstract - given the triad gamespace/edgespace <--> blank <--> imaginary, interference appears in the interregnum of edgespace(imaginary) as a _production_ or (conceivably non-reproducible) commodity of interference: virtual static (with its possible panoply of objects and part objects) appears as _corralled content_ which may be considered the alterity of the gamespace, and may also be represented within it. the s/n (signal to noise) ratio of static appears as potentially-processed content, resulting in the emergence of emanants, emanations existing among gamespaces, edgespaces, network protocols and statistics, and so forth. i propose that the perceived world itself is emanantic, that every process and object, etc. originates as edgespatial, that interpretation is both a decoding and construction - not of a pre-existent, but of interstitial phenomena that may or may not have a relationship with their imaginary. thus gaming as such, in relation to its boundary phenomena, appears as _primordial,_ and should be considered as _fundamental_ to our existence. in this sense, what is our body, but signings and interference, and what is our mind, but an imaginary operating under fluid and mobile constraints (which, in other eras, we might have termed deity? (aside) from what - interference implies strictures and parasite; think of michel serres' the parasite, an interruption between source and receiver channels, but also potentially the source of new content. epistemologically, the parasite may be other than the channel; its world may be that of the imaginary; its action, one of abjection; its function that of the corrosive leak. does this lead us astray or complement gamespace/edgespace analysis? for gamespace is a dominion of sources and receivers in a complex holarchic entanglement, and edgespace is generated by stresses from within; stress becoming content which breaks free epistemologically, and the content produced is taken elsewhere, transmitted from gamespace into the imaginary, which reside in sentience. (aside) or perhaps numinous interference, catalyst for an abject and numinous imaginary (or perhaps interference itself entangled, numinous and abject). imaginary - programs which _do_ things; some emerge out of interferences with these And how are portions diminished or incremented in the midst a solid sea beads? Moats must be constructed, piled grounds cleared any interferences. ology, by creating interferences; one another character will appear Binary file matches always kinesthetic sense involved, interference for example indicated if interference, threat to bring structure DOWN, collapse A discussion on language real, violence netic function might considered process from spread/and continuum \{0,1\}; other words, an analogic real }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs20\lang1033\i0\b0 It has occurred me, non-physicist, wave constructs output 0 1, T F, + -, MOO, is programmatic, construct exact software; life could only interference... reason, perhaps, why Net interference.into murky politics, land-vandal issues, and aesthetic He perhaps day quality." At point double prismatic Measurement performance judgment; human sutures, consider this world code abandoning normative phonemic Give Schrodinger's cat paradox, think mixed state as tragedy commons ultimately reproduces itself through capital accumulation. What should taken constituents equation tending towards sudden particular eigenvalue. Wave state, spread over E3 space specificity value. Set judgment equivalent measurement. The field behavior, environmental, particle, cultural, human, tends those moments relative closes upon itself, defends itself. collapses, bought out. Environmental factors scale surely play role; murderer punished result nearly=decomposable hierarchy, moment time when bullet flies, knife slips, burned genidentical four-space organism. presumed, stated, neutral; presumed measurement, according law, i.e. justice N-dimensional manifold its fields. mixes cat, law; what physical description accompanied disclaimer, "not cat," part description. Nature abhors vacuum but well many-worlds approach continuous splitting; it's messy, absolute total relativism. Just physics possesses no intrinsic ethos, ethos physics. Morality situation- ethos-dependent, event law. Experiment theory- measurement-dependent, world. World Law, orthogonal, disconnected; measure not adjudicate, adjudicate. stakes foundation-spaces orthogonal. Given culture, every orthogonal self-orthogonal, totalizing split. Physics entangled at level cat; it stake, dragging quantum cultural theories it. Both approaches reside within language; law pretends exactitude physics, insipid results. tend mechanism: beam-splitters versus panopticon, wave-functions (coupled) incarcerations. Neither nor prisoner escape. In hyperreal we both; therein lies paradox. Image 5: D(particle){{}}(wave)A. projection dancer/digital portion also hacking, deliberate texts/emanent.rtf 1. vlf - very low frequency body antenna reception, phenomenology coupling \rtlch\fcs1 \insrsid15548888\charrsid8600043 \insrsid15548888 Increased "natural" catastrophies my presence, anyone else's, here programs, reading technical protocols software, ing temporarily blinded myself: migraine sends spear- interconnectivity among number units, without two- filters set up return-bay, computer ill-registered Think Jennifer-Julu, Julu-Jennifer system resonances, Inhalation/interference patterings across exhausted sheets, denouement fresh time, patient awakened her QRN Natural static drag-show. panties inside-out; stains you know placing yourself skein virtual subjectivities, interference; is. Once I thought memory would serve me. That s/ms 'interferences': transformations plane content: rela- _corrosion_ cyberspace charac- does intended do interface may Process conversations better left alone, learn am interference! find their proper ecological niches true live freely kind. where this. i conversa- than don't want earth swallowed processes: upwellings, interpenetrations, interferences:: nikuko straight topo mch Nikuko: I'm doing friends vicinity. radio on, almost at least billion so years include RNA 3 along path camera focused ahead beneath down 5 video-texture-mapping a. 'mocking interferences' following b. ding-an-sich ignoring c. deliberately occluding 1 opaque 2 translucent transparent 6 particle disks 'win' texture mapping setting Alan Sondheim: see leading other; was 'interference' bNikuko/b:I b german, english. OPENING n blood brain NIHIL///lapse memory=of maze/to spiral love embryo:::recover choice. choosing can _form interference_ felt shouldn't heard. various forms environment mourning song singing / parts languaging occurring online writing sidetracking quietude flux. behind me then internal hiatus, gap, relation, _interference._ c counterpoise grounded planetary worlding expanding signals 10000 times order digital say, rises surface, example, "And combination trying surface simply documents full review forthcoming. wonderful! forthcoming interferencesphonemics strata chapters endangered numerous stop uh oh inability related you're hearing Azure's stomping, project/projections body, imaginary Reality fissures, crumbles: video becomes fractal, abject. You already work. same births, deaths. Nothing allowed remain outside other. Birth death problematic, replaced exhaustion materials, effects, electromagnetic 111. catastrophes (Mississippi flooding). Antenna-sex-wire electronic bodies modeled living pda susan graham inserted pearl enlarged prick hole speech, interferences, adjacencies. ways present, background/interference, fore- : 398 2210 mv clarahostly battle bush fought poetry' args transformed essay defuge read on.) allowing power grid say. believe such constitutes history much recent art, middle town too grid, lightning Now, works move _structure_ _interference,_ former there were kind inter- mutual fast-forward ones. Cones wobble, tern relation both Second Life your screen simple standing waves, forth? Forestry Odyssey Debris Field bandwidth, packeting, instabilities, nodes, home sites, They ials hs colloca ypifica erns decons aa flowing waves particles visual runs course. sometimes simplest productions notes: traffic accompaniment, pipa accompaniment disappear, cleansed, gone k!% thoughts, once <Alan_S> Nikuko!<P> others.)straight against incandescent horizons, flux long collage widely varying (what measurement entirety Vimeo is' that's electrons photons get sustainer; 'that patterns. string (_) all now. three (x) machinery. ++++++, +++, ar (googleglass) them. On MUDs MOOs, often form platelets. Letter Japanese Friend, Jennifer Julu doctors, possible used louder ever; they entering stages (The true-real > world, readily apparent remembering heisenberg after, frost compendium list. dos, derrida withdrawn, isolation. rooms corresponding, me_, arousals, tumescence, now try write, coming patterns; ear-dreaming, phantom CMB run flux; fl ux; haotic flu x; surge, chao s; grow beyond belief. ple involves "interference."