Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: New work on Azure's blogs! And a review and an itinerary!
Date: Wed, 11 May 2016 00:09:34 -0400 (EDT)
New work on Azure's blogs! And a review and an itinerary! Azure's put up new work and findings on her blogs, please see below! And we're traveling starting Friday, for close to two months. New review with video! And our itinerary: We're leaving in two days to travel for two months; our postings might be intermittent. We're going first to Atlanta, where we're looking into possibly moving; we're also performing at Eyedrum on the 20th, I'm playing with an improvisatory group on the 18th, and I'll be interviewed sometime during the week. We're visiting some wonderful friends there, and if you're in Atlanta, contact us! We're then going to Omaha for a couple of days, staying with Barbara Simcoe and Lee Murray, then going to Denver, to visit Azure's parents for a couple of days, and then going to Salt Lake City, to visit Azure's aunt also for a couple of days. Then on to Victoria, BC, to visit my brother and his family, and to speak at University of Victoria as part of their Digital Humanities Summer Institute program, as well as at the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) conference. We'll visit for two weeks or so, hope to go back to Carmanah. We'll have a lot of family time! After that, we return to Salt Lake City, Denver, and Omaha, for longer visits (doing work all the way out and back), and after Omaha, most probably straight back to Providence, possibly stopping off at Toronto! We should also be playing in New York and Philadelphia later summer. Do write us if you're in any of these places! love, Alan (and Azure sends her regards)