Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: night heron
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 09:45:53 -0400 (EDT)
night heron "night heron in the night woke up this morning in a fright my friend and i in a field, mourning something on the wind a-borning there came this threnody - when the two of us are dead the grass among us bled of rose and word and things and when the heron sings the night gives way to melody - we part, we're left alone bereft, the breath, the tone" bereft, tone in the the night i bereft, night we're night to in to when night of the tone us field, the threnody we're wind way mourning and and grass in there night woke tone alone gives way and things us are there on a heron morning we're heron bereft, grass the wind the night there friend heron we and when the fright when of field, in melody bled the part, of wind woke melody the i heron - this to us morning we are a to when heron bled friend to this and a melody there way on - wind alone came we on the we're something dead alone mourning of breath, mourning and tone field, night heron mourning part, woke mourning the in on friend the field, a-borning wind came - - are two of are when among way rose tone tone tone tone the tone tone bereft, tone tone tone tone up the tone in the tone heron breath, tone heron bereft, tone night we're tone night the the the on breath, tone in the tone up alone tone night we're tone in to the heron rose the heron breath, night grass bereft, a alone tone a we're tone this melody tone woke heron the the us breath, in the heron melody alone night a-borning we're i - tone a gives tone this and the woke came the the bereft, in left night of we something to tone friend heron tone a of breath, this field, the woke alone the part, heron of melody night there night tone a and tone my the breath, in my bereft, up left night we in sings to night when sings tone on word the i of breath, fright up alone morning we're woke - the we're gives heron dead the there of the field, - the friend night alone in part, up melody night night heron of and - us the something came the i left fright we this to night sings in when and of the tone wind the the a left my - in way woke heron in way and the are tone this mourning the mourning we're and - a gives up when the left of night of two tone when in bereft, the we're in melody fright night this and night us night and when tone of friend bereft, a-borning we're field, to friend the morning things night among heron heron threnody tone dead a bereft, this part, something to and sings in word woke the heron way came tone us this bereft, - part, the way in heron fright and up dead in we're a-borning tone and woke bereft, two part, a-borning way a the my rose this us in breath, the tone and in bereft, are part, came gives mourning when friend of morning of the something tone heron night bereft, grass we threnody gives something when and bled in the the field, tone way bereft, bled we when night the and i us a when night in we the and we of night a-borning things a among a - woke i alone the things we are night came things field, grass my threnody woke friend night tone the the we the the threnody and something the friend came up my night the night we us the when and on the and there this a heron the to we rose the the word wind dead i a-borning morning in heron breath, part, we word the us word a-borning are in wind in morning in breath, bereft, we and sings dead and came us a the a this in breath, thanks to : Leslie Thornton, Tom Zummer, Luke Damrosch, Azure Carter