The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

... need your help in this thing, you see, i'd go into the
woods, and then, sometimes, i don't remember, there were these
depressions, someone made them, there were stones
... i remember the damp ground and someone or maybe more than
someone, i'm not sure, lying there, it was like a thicket
... i can remember wires and there were names, maybe it was that
place again, i can still smell the wet bark, something, maybe it
had rained, i'm not sure
... than places where these things occurred, i think someone
told me there are many or at least a lot, i'm not sure, of them,
of stones, of depressions, it might have been animals, i seem to
remember animals
... the word 'concavity' comes to mind, it's come to mind a lot,
that might be the depression, then at the bottom of that it was
wet, the wires, i don't know, or maybe just damp, i think one of
them, it was like a small pond, i had a normal upbringing
... i was always trembling, i'm trembling now, it's worse
because i don't know why, something there, something around,
it's, i'm trembling because i'm trembling, it's this fear, it
doesn't matter if it makes sense, this fear, and then there was
clothing everywhere, sockets of sorts, something about the
wires, everything had names and special numbers
... the special numbers
... the numbers worry me, they were of any size, just like
digits in a row, maybe not numbers at all, now that i think of
it, just digits in a row, any digits at all
... they seemed senseless, it was damp everywhere, the smell
maybe of sap or human sap, the digits, i couldn't understand
that, they didn't add up or anything, they were just
... just what, just there, maybe i could make sense of it, i
can't, any of these, are some things missing, some animals,
people, there was nothing in the depressions, a little water
perhaps, you'd have that after a rainstorm, it wouldn't be a
long one
... moved from town to town, everyone knows that about everyone,
town to town to town, or sometimes the woods, sometimes a space
by the side of a building, the buildings were always wooden, i
mean, made out of wood, even the doors and window frames, the
windows were glass
... but these wood roofs, i can't forget, and the odd scent of
them, almost like pine, something else though, i'm not sure
where now, i remember these things like a foggy dream, but
really clear, it was like that
... closer to the surface of the ground, stones and hollows,
branches, grasses, something occurred there, and the memory of
that, the occurrence
... i don't want to say something happened here, only that
something occurred
... memories of those wires, they were just there, i don't think
they were for anything
... all that wood then
... the usual sounds of a wood maybe near dawn or dusk, i said
foggy, maybe some other sounds, language of sorts, i remember
that well, i can't figure that out, i can't add that up
... hollows of sorts
... the wood then the wood, the stone then the stone, the wood
lying there, stone lying there
... some other lying there, or some others, you see, what these
are, it was, you see, something like this every day, every day
something would go on
... you see, i'd go into the woods, and then, sometimes, i don't
remember, there were these depressions, someone made them, there
were stones
... no building i remember, maybe grey walls, maybe nothing,
markers, no remembered buildings, no one living there, maybe
some living around there, near there, maybe some living there
... i remember the damp ground and someone or maybe more than
someone, i'm not sure, lying there, it was like a thicket
... i can remember wires and there were names, maybe it was that
dream again, i can still smell the wet bark, something, maybe it
had rained, i'm not sure
... than places where these things occurred, i think someone
told me there are many or at least a lot, i'm not sure, of them,
of stones, of depressions, it might have been animals, i seem to
remember animals
... the word 'concavity' comes to mind, it's come to mind a lot,
that might be the depression, then at the bottom of that it was
wet, the wires, i don't know, or maybe just damp, i think one of
them, it was like a pond, i had a normal upbringing
... i was always trembling, i keep trembling now, it's worse
because i don't know why, something there, something around,
it's, i'm trembling because i'm trembling, it's this fear, it
doesn't matter if it makes sense, this fear, and then there was
clothing everywhere, sockets of sorts, something about the
wires, everything had names and special numbers
... the special numbers
... the numbers worry me, they were of any size, just like
digits in a row, maybe not numbers at all, now that i think of
it, just digits in a row, any digits at all, in a row of sorts
... they seemed senseless, it was damp everywhere, the smell
maybe of sap or human sap, the digits, i couldn't understand
that, they didn't add up or anything, they were just
... just what, just there, maybe i could make sense of it, i
can't, any of these, are some things missing, some animals,
people, there was nothing in the depressions, a little water
perhaps, you'd have that after a rainstorm, it wouldn't be a
long one
... moved from town to town, everyone knows that about everyone,
town to town to town, or sometimes the woods, sometimes a space
by the side of a building, the buildings were always wooden, i
mean, made out of wood, even the doors and window frames, the
windows were glass, even the walls were wood
... but these wood roofs, i can't forget, and the odd scent of
them, almost like pine, something else though, i'm not sure
where now, i remember these things like a foggy dream, but with
the clarity of fog, it was like that
... closer to the surface of the ground, stones and hollows,
branches, grasses, something occurred there, and the memory of
that, the occurrence
... i don't want to say something happened here, only that
something occurred, something happened
... memories of those wires, they were just there, i don't think
they were for anything
... all that wood then
... the usual sounds of a wood maybe near dawn or dusk, i said
foggy, maybe some other sounds, language of sorts, i remember
that well, something spoken, some cries, murmurs
... hollows of sorts
... the wood then the wood, the stone then the stone
... i'm sure of that, the hollows

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