Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: cicatrice
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 16:15:51 -0500 (EST)
cicatrice embedded video cut track cut still Think of cicatrix, a mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue [syn: {scar}, {cicatrix}, {cicatrice} ] . Or this history of cicatrix upon glacial valleys, erratic boulders, the skin, the mind's wound. And think of cicatrix as unreadable, blank, uncanny pustule cicatrix fallen cicatrice. We are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. The scar will scars, cicatrix, historiographies pustule cicatrix fallen cicatrix cicatrix retro cicatrive, he almost falls apart wwithtoit editing, writing is a service for healing and cicatrix. for absinthe which I'd like to credit for cicatrice. We are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. The scar will beneath the cicatrice. 0, any, cicatrix text. the cicatrix never appears because nothing ever changes. one, a poultice, cataplasm cicatrix retro- pustule cicatrix fallen cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of the projestto realizacica- pustule cicatrix fallen unlike most crickets, skin or skab or upwelling or cicatricks, it continues: the scab. the scar will berthe, we are wound and cicatrice. we are the mass? cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. the scar poultice, cataplasm cicatrix retro - scab. the scar will berthe, we are wound and cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. the scar will berthe, we are wound and cicatrice. we are the mass? cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. the scar for healing and cicatrix. for absinthe which I'd like to credit for text. the cicatrix never appears because nothing ever changes. one, a beneath the cicatrice. cicatrive, he almost falls apart wwith toit editing, writing is a service skin or skab or upwelling or cicatricks, it continues: cicatrive, he almost falls apart wwithtoit editing, writing is a service cicatrice. We are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. The scar will beneath the cicatrice. 0, any, cicatrix text. the cicatrix never appears because nothing ever changes. one, a skin or skab or upwelling or cicatricks, it continues: mass? cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. the scar the wound is always repetition, the cicatrix cicatrive, apart wwithtoit editing, service :"wounded" destruction castration, cutting- :healing cicatrix. absinthe I'd languishing word cicatrice. lubricant edge scab. paths cicatrix of the abject. defend within the cicatrix. it is within the position of the TCP/IP, messages skin or skab or upwelling or cicatricks, it skin or skab or upwelling or cicatricks, it continues: cicatrice. lubricant edge scab. paths utters and moves but autumn, degeneration muscle nerve, wound cicatrix speaks: means won't disappear, the cicatrix that remains, remnant; even in {scar}, {cicatrix}, {cicatrice}]. Or this the injured dancer - holes; that uncomfortable surface; that cicatrix; that miasma of cicatrix fallen cicatrice. we are the lubricant at the edge of the scab. the scar will berthe, we are wound and cicatrice. we communal writing, only temporary coagulations, cicatrix cicatrice of the analog, about the world which is worlding and it's not easy. nothing disappears. the granite cicatrix Ah gritworld tears my flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw tears my flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw felsh, wounds, flesh, lacerations, no cicatrix, raw felsh, wounds, broken is a misery or contusion, a cicatrice or inflation; there's cicatrice or inflation; there's nothing that might emerge except cicatrice inflation; space, dancers doctors me":cicatrix:retro:wound.:wounded:You:avatar:ballet: courage stay place" ^lesshst ^learnrc : ^lesshst : ^lynxrc ^lesshst : ^^machinescarred ^lesshst lynxrc ^machinescarred : ^bruiseddir ^^machinescarred ^lynxrc lepidodendron, enunciation. seasons. disconnect. scarred nanosecond. the wall is scarred with crashes fractal program scarred / at the limit