Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: the jjs
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 17:55:34 -0500 (EST)
the jjs jj jj jj jjj jjj am an as at be bj by ck da do en go he in is it jj my no of ok on or ou pm ah:0 am:0 an:0 ap:1 ba:0 bb:0 cc:1 dd:1 ee:1 ff:0 gg:0 hh:1 ii:0 jj:1 jk:0 jingbangub jingle jinglecodec jinprj jitter jj jjgif jjj jjjj jjjjs jjjs jjpl jjplsave jjsound jk jkyoko jl jlu jlubas jluexe outj outjj outk outl outlands outleaderfoofmpeg outleaderfoofx am an as at be bj by ck da do en go he in is it jj my no of ok on or ou pm me jennypheros julu a keyouple ophlsh dayhz jjd jennypheros ke d jd ke ke jb-dd j-f-aa a-di-aa b-f-jj b-ack-aa b-allet-bb c--bb c-loud-cc d-dell-cc m-ountjj-dd n-e-ww n-ikaj nik-dd n-ike-jj n-ik-ff p-bjajjj-aa p-eni-ss t-est-bb t-est-dd t-est-hh y-ours-jj a--hh a-lbaal-aa a-nimala archaea-bb a-shur-aa d-octorja du-pp e-ch-oo e-x-ee f-alls-ee f-ffff-jj f-il-mm f-loodj-gg f-lush-aa g-glas-bb h-hack hol-dd i-inmale-cc j--jj j--qq j--vv k--bb k-imonoj-a a k--jj l-aguna-aa l-and-ff l--bb l-eona l-ff l--jj l--m ll-ob-ee l--pp l-u-zz m-ah-bb m--bb m-easure-aa m-ens-aa m--ff m--jj m-oodb moss-bb m--pp m--vv m--zz n--bb n-ebula-aa n-et-jj n-eta-jj n-et-bb n--ff n-ightj-aa n-ightji nikn-ff n--jj n-ode-bb n--pp n-vobject-aa o-ntic-aa o-pporigin-aa p-araaa-aa p-athiah pearl-aa p-olyjjg-hh p-olya-cc t-ai-ll t-a-oo t-ao-jj t-heory-aa t-hungaj-bb t-re-ee t-ub-bb t-z u-uu v-ir-bb v-oi-dd w-avea-jj w-aveb-jj w-ave-dd w-ing-bb w-oll-bb w-orld-aa ku n k = k ( I ; hA ) u n;1 k jjjI ; hAjjj ku n;1 k m bg stg hrw wr sfjjt as "ba" with secret faces, great of majesty cracks, that jkjkjkjjjjkjjlklllll I'd trickle through the wood like forced ii Jennifer Texts - jj Jennifer Texts - jk Jennifer Texts - jl Jennifer me ammonia! </A>Track you down! Burn on me!<A HREF="frame1.htm#jj" TARGET="jj"> nothing:jjjj:yejjjjs:Julu:jjjj:external :jjjj:external jjjj jjjj nice internal is in my loose internal jjjj passion seeps into my internal - turning me jjjj-Jennifer terrific:jjjj:oh yes!:Clara:jjjj:tourmaline:jjjj:amethystjjjj jjjj black amethyst is in my wayward quartz Ah, jjjj masquerade eaten by jjjj-of-the-open-arms and jjjj-depressed jjjj-ruptured internal replaces _your_ and other _julu,_ static-domin- jjjj-purr of electric motors, water-power, windmills and grindstones - the blood - jjjj-purring platelets - jjjj hevy moment intrferances, static word to jjjjennifer jjjj cume in! jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ijbidjYoUjFoNdjAdIeU!!jj--jThEjPrIncEjofjthieves zone says, "seroshlkjlllllll kisslillhh .lkjjiliiiiiiillllmmmmmm" jjeennnniiffeerr''ss bbrrookkeenn ssmmootthheerreedd iinn ddeeaadd jjuulluu''ss ssiinntteerreedd bbrrookkeenn iinn ddeeaadd wwhhiittee iinnssiiddee--oouutt ffoorr jjeennnniiffeerr''ss nnoott qquuiittee ssoommeetthhiinngg''ss ggoott ttoo ggiivvee wwiitthh jjuulluu,, ccooppss ddoonn''tt kknnooww jjuusstt wwhhaatt,, jjuusstt ffuucckkeedd aanndd ttrroouubblleess bbrreewwiinngg.. tthheenn hhee ssccrreeaammss jjeennnniiffeerr,, jjuulluu,, nniikkuukkoo,, nnootthhiinngg ccoommeess bbuutt ffooaamm aanndd jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj : ac=aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~: jeniirn jenifjj jenifj7 jenifnj jenifn7 jenifin jenifi7 jenif77 jenir0n jenf70j jenf7jj jenf7rj jenf789 jenf79j jenf80n jenf807 jenf8ej jenf8nj eisjlfie eriwl exo f,nsfkdwhjdus fbjbjbyq fj fjdf fjdjko fjj fjjsfl fjjs- qjbisldkj qlwrlkeis qoels qoerouslfjejrkl qoiskdhw qosldlkjwrou qppqlsjjkd jjjjjjjjj.jjj.kFASD" "IF/ jjuusstt 82302 82302tthheerree 82302 82302aanndd 82302 82302wwhhaatt 82302 82302wwaass 82302 82302tthhaatt 82302 82302jjuusstt 82302 82302aa 82302 modesty (lajja), fear (bhaya) and ignorance (moha). The sky gives rise to " yiqgp@tyugtm.kjjhwa.ed dsgdgdgdjjjjjjjkkklll;;;;''ATE1Q0V1X4 ries is , 030], dsgdgdgdjjjjjjjkkklll;;;;''ATE1Q0V1X4? (b*c)^(k*d*e) a (b*c)^(d*e) cfefaehddjjfbigf (b*c*k)^(d*e) j semantics ah:0 am:0 an:0 ap:1 ba:0 bb:0 cc:1 dd:1 ee:1 ff:0 gg:0 hh:1 ii:0 jj:1 jk:0 summarized knowledge and knowledge-owners, "1 m 2 grep smell lu > jj 3 grep carnal lu >> jj 4 grep knowledge lu >> jj 5 h >> jj 6 ls 7 pico jj 8 cat jj | julu 9 rev .trace >> jj 10 cat jj | julu >> jj 11 pico jj 12 cat ~/jj | ./number >> ~/yy zone says, "seroshlkjlllllll kisslillhh .lkjjiliiiiiiillllmmmmmm" ,8B[h ooX& ;6vvt(1P _vs{ GW_u h~\hD y36F_; 6(}G ojw% Fjj.wr Pc=k 4;{:0V1y jazkat13 jedimatrix99 jen jerry.everard jes20 jfr10 jjsamuel jmarshal joel i. ic ig ih ii t ix jf jj jm jp jr jw jy kl l lm lp lt mI mb pk mj ml mr dA vI bU g1 .S Dw /R OC +- .P yY /H /P /U Wy `` xg T@ ,w \n !e mb ?p *P jj JH ji Ji JI jj JJ jk JK jl Jl jm JM jn Jn JN jo Jo JO jp Jp JP jq jr Jr JR ah:0 am:0 an:0 ap:1 ba:0 bb:0 cc:0 dd:0 ee:0 ff:0 gg:0 hh:1 ii:0 jj:0 jk:0 ii:18 jj:18 jk:22 jl:27 jm:21 jn:18 jo:34 jp:22 jq:17 jr:18 js:29 jt:28 bleeding,, battles within me, internal bleeding, jjbakerMOABpool-68-161-117-MOAB9PMMOAB0MOABec.arts.sf.fandom 64 [AZ] [ZA] 73 's/^/^ 74 75 76 7768 69 70 71 7244 jj 45 46 rm jennifer lb nikuko jjf k24% media ash: Sindiate list sindicate /usr/games/caesar < zz > yy 72 zz h 44 pico jj 45 sort jj > zz 46 rm jj 47 ls 48 rm yy 49 pico zz 50 tr [ ] zz 09-Mar-2009 zz 13 pico zz 14 wc zz 15 ./a/ < zz > jj jj 25 sed 's/acrimony/squirting/g' jj > zz 26 sed 's/may love/g' zz > jj skin and scent!/g' jj > zz 30 sed 's/terse/tense/g' jj > zz 40 sed 's/acknowledgment/i will deflower you and h 6 h >> zz 7 h 8 h 9 h 1 h 2 h 3 h 1 pico jj 2 sort jj > zz 3 sed 's/x/ex/g' zz 16 wc jj 17 pico jj 18 ./a/ < jj > zz 's/exemplifying/fucking wonderfully/g' zz > jj 23 > zz 32 sed 's/alberto/nikuko/g' zz > jj 33 sed 's/searching/groping/g' jj > jj 35 > zz 57 sed 's/ //g' zz > yy 58 sort yy > zz; nl zz > yy *card* -r f query="NGO" jjj jjd jennifer key d jd key key bschons jennifer rand d mphil key phd bschons lond rand jjd mphil key phd jd lond key professor of of jennypheros julu a keyouple ophlsh dayhz jjd jennypheros ke d jd ke ke 35 rm nb 36 du 37 ls 38 m 39 pico jj 40 sort jj > yy 41 pico yy 42 pico zz h 44 pico jj 45 sort jj > zz 46 rm jj 47 ls 48 rm yy 49 pico zz 50 tr 1 pico jj 2 sort jj > zz 3 wc zz 4 ./mod 5 wc zz 6 ./a/ < zz > jj 7 mv jj zz 8 wc zz 9 pico zz 10 tr A-Z a-z < zz > jj 11 pico jj 12 sed 's/[.;,()^]//g' jj > zz 13 pico zz 14 wc zz 15 ./a/ < zz > jj 16 wc jj 17 pico jj 18 ./a/ < jj > zz 19 wc zz 20 pico zz 21 sort 18 sed 's/expunging/spongy to the touch!/g' zz > jj 20 sed 's/tastefully/and tasting delicious/g' jj > zz 21 less zz 22 sed 's/exemplifying/fucking wonderfully/g' zz >> jj 23 's/acquiescent/shuddering happily/g' zz > jj 25 sed 's/acrimony/squirting/g' jj > zz 26 sed 's/may crams/crammed love/g' zz > jj 31 sed 's/political/sexual/g' jj > zz 32 sed 's/alberto/nikuko/g' zz > jj 33 sed sed 's/andromeda/medea/g' jj > zz 36 sed 's/cos/claws and deep scrumptious ripples in the skin!/g' zz > jj 37 sed 's/alva/flushed flesh and lovely 's/terse/tense/g' jj > zz 40 wondrous flesh' zz > jj init 3 ls pine ls ftp p shutdown -h shutdown -h now p ls less jj ls pico ftp ls rm jj b ls galeon ftp exit cd image ls warsaw gg /regex/ warsaw hh /regex/ warsaw ii /regex/ cp jj /regex/ head warsaw jj leipzig warsaw * >>>> 2Jje0Cyt4r7dsxTN6ue **** Command '2jje0cyt4r >>>> >>>> yAQz32aMRxA7+TqQ7tW **** Command 'pwkqcwgjjs >>>> xoHEhVaVkyC0WtS1Ahr **** Command 'xohehvavky **** Command 'lh9jdd/rkg >>>> K2YAqhLJjHce4bqppdF **** Command 'k2yaqhljjh >>>> EouJjvXeDR7CJVkUFgv **** Command 'eoujjvxedr >>>> >>>> YZ2gjWWfU9xnukrWxw+ **** Command 'qdqw0ybnmg >>>> jJl86ySO05hNolo0qNP **** Command 'jjl86yso05 insert insideaes i jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt j ju juluAPSjumpin ==> jj <== 24 sindicate nt k18% found jjn media sindicate k24% n k24% nt 0 jjfriting foundShake LOVE: netwo k18% LOVE: jj texts suck found k18% ash: jjn sindicate jjfriting < Sindiate the found 24 ma found ^Ck17% ash: foundte 24 nt ^Ck15% wc jj 0 0 0 jjn and archive: // ^Ck17% suck "LORD|lord" nt > jj message contains email list ma k18% wc jjf b-allet-bb c--bb c-loud-cc d-dell-cc m-ountjj-dd n-e-ww n-ikaj nik-dd n-ike-jj n-ik-ff p-bjajjj-aa p-eni-ss t-est-bb t-est-dd t-est-hh y-ours-jj a--hh a-lbaal-aa a-nimala archaea-bb b-uffalo-cc c-har d-octorja du-pp e-ch-oo e-x-ee f-alls-ee f-ffff-jj f-il-mm f-loodj-gg f-lush-aa g-glas-bb h-hack hol-dd l-aguna-aa l-and-ff l--bb l-eona l-ff l--jj l--m ll-ob-ee l--pp l-u-zz m-ah-bb m--bb m-easure-aa m-ens-aa m--ff m--jj m-oodb moss-bb m--pp m--vv m--zz n--bb n-ebula-aa n-et-jj n-eta-jj n-et-bb n--ff n-ightj-aa n-ightji nikn-ff n--jj n-ode-bb n--pp n-vobject-aa o-ntic-aa o-pporigin-aa p-araaa-aa p-athiah pearl-aa p-olyjjg-hh p-olya-cc t-ai-ll t-a-oo t-ao-jj t-heory-aa t-hungaj-bb t-re-ee t-ub-bb t-z u-uu v-ir-bb v-oi-dd w-avea-jj w-aveb-jj w-ave-dd w-ing-bb w-oll-bb w-orld-aa Hajj Rasulullah SAW starting the Hajjj rituals has created confusion among the foreign and domestic airlines as well as local Hajjj agents ml 67k true Change in Hajj date upsets airlines schedule By Hajjj rituals has created confusion among the ... Change in Hajj date upsets airlines schedule By Rauf Klasra JEDDAH: The sudden change in the date of starting the Hajjj the glorious Hajjj congregation, there ... ku n k = k ( I ; hA ) u n;1 k jjjI ; hAjjj ku n;1 k j Hjj j Hajjj HHajj j Haajj j Hajjj j Hajjj j Hajj j Hajj aHjj j Hajj jj Hajjj Hyjj j Hsjj ... this years Hajjj season, Prince Naif Ibn ... Brand! nogmaals: hajjj We hadde today tie day ook een r ej i Hajjj och Umra ritualer, men n of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. The Hajj Journey. Friday Report - April, 1995. Allah prescribed Hajj ... hajjj On 10th Thul-Hijjah I along with my elder son went to Jamaraat for Ramee. proposition tahajjud lower Author, Message. jjf1990, RE:Hate Jews jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj j'jj jjj jjjjjjj j'jj jjj jjjjjjj j'jj jjj jjjjjjj j'jj jjj jjjjjjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj <aajkekarkajSznajazm edakz naj zam lmzmkajjmaj zn eajmdzazml kezkrkaj azl Ajjzmrkarkaj naj Ekmkedarkk Dmrkdz Aedajarkaj . 7. A kkaaj zn ajarkzrkkak eznajjarkaj najj ez ez a jaajmz zaeka ez eda ajmzkz zmzrkrkzm aj aaj zaeka azm lmrkdzml aj kmz zam azakeda leajkaz laza azl medaakz eznajjarkaj najj ez ez a jaajmz zaeka ez eda ajmzkz zmzrkrkzm aj aaj ajlmzkrkzd Aedajarkaj . 14. Ekedajek Dmzmkajjmaj Admzkz. 15. Eaajmaj Dmekzmaj Azma . zarkzd (a lmjz). 2. zmznajjezd (a leda). mla mzjmr /z/ 1. aj zaz (a lmjz). aj zmznajj (a leda). 1. jaajmz, aez. 2. nkeajarkeda aeaj, kedameda. 3. blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). bhurjjapatra blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the b blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the b hhurjja- intrview f i jk jj jl jk jm jl jn jm jo jn jp jo jq jp jr jq i jr jj js j i jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr # description size am an as at be bj by ck da do en go he in is it jj my no of ok on or ou pm zone says, "seroshlkjlllllll kisslillhh .lkjjiliiiiiiillllmmmmmm" BSS((linksys)BSS((jjdimarco)BSS((use rtested)BSS(linksysoffice)BSS((FreeP ghana kibida ho vajjai karune kiai na rola//(6) tahi baru khajjai gade maana pijjai hale kalinjara paniai dunduru tahi vajjiai//(7) malayaje kunduru batai dindima tahin na vajjiai//(10) You: /if you are lucky you may caress me /jjj 1000a aa Cokjxqqo and jug Ajjrayjionk Radio Radio E aa-aa azaaa aaz Eaaaaa eehb gz eehb hb f hb huff hb igg hb jj h hb jk hh hb jl ihb jl jj hh jl jl eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt uuu vvv covered in blood .oit hhh jjjjjjjjj.jjj.kFASD" "IF/ You: i have the (fairly ababbjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj GRINDing, i wear goggles and when cutting, welding, or striking jjjj-purr na reticule carry- goggles welding striking jjjj-purr itselvesscriptjjitselvesscript pp! aa! d'ya pp! jj! sic ," ... jj kk aa pp s jj kk aa pp jj kk c ref jj pp pictures ian botha incisions across my throat, you must cut me thin... yes.. we w jj on me, kk, kk it back into your selves... swallow our jj as well yes.. my hair... const:tion ah an ap ba dd ee ff hh ii jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr hoj-rj-hop-ho-y.of-windnieoni-,windnieo-windnifo-dydy-h-y'-jj ju-hop-houdydy-h-y'-jju-hourju-y.of-windnieoni-,windnieo-windnifo ix jf jj jm jp jr jw jy kl l lm lp lt mI mb pk mj ml mr i3 i5 I8 i9 ia Ia $ uuencode jj begin 600 jj 1 lkfjs lllkfsjd fjlgskdl flslfjdksl llfsd fd f sdlfkdksjjs bYeJhjj EJIITHkly _h efTfly rZKily Uch-elINly bly eOh YJtIhp ieOly who Lhjeyh eKly aZ ply ably NnSWh jjeadly Oh-edKQ h nothing:jjjj:yejjjjs:Julu:jjjj:external :jjjj:external jjjj Julu-origenal, ing, us? jjjj-ruptured internal replaces _your_ _julu,_ static-domin- those dying Email lists still another form; external jj ash: 0 message? summarized knowledge and knowledge-owners, "1 m 2 grep smell lu > jj 3 295 grep Beaufort * > jjjj grep carnal lu >> jj 4 grep knowledge lu >> jj 5 h >> jj 6 ls 7 pico jj 8 summarized knowledge and knowledge-owners, "1 m 2 grep smell lu > jj 3 killed" 171 and 173 175 16:40 "mutilated" 295 Beaufort jjjj303 : oo:oo 15 forth with carnal lu jj knowledge 5 doctor medic insane dollar poor rich with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). The name bhurjjapatra with the blood of the third finger, saffron and gorochand^ with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). The name hhurjja- bhurjjapatra with the blood of the third finger, saffron and gorochand^ third finger bhurjjapatra (the birch). subdued inserted arm says, 27% f hhurjja- patra gorocham desired, charcoal Khaira (Acacia finger bhurjjapatra (the hhurjja- patra gorocham desired, charcoal (Acacia noon evening, with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). The name bhurjjapatra with the blood of the third finger, saffron and gorochand^ with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). The name hhurjja- patra with gorocham the blood of the third finger, saffron and gorochand^ third arm says, 27% f hhurjja- patra gorocham desired, charcoal Khaira inserted arm neck ; says, 27%f hhurjja- patra gorocham desired, charcoal (Acacia noon evening, with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). The name v-ir-bb v-oi-dd w-avea-jj w-aveb-jj w-ave-dd w-ing-bb w-oll-bb w-orld-aa v-ir-bb v-oi-dd w-avea-jj w-aveb-jj w-ave-dd w-ing-bb w-oll-bb w-orld-aa chastffffjjjjjjjfighters are 1 pwd 2 ls 3 pico jj 4 ls\\ 5 ;s 6 ;s 7 ls 8 cat .trace > jjj 9 cd 10 cd fj</f 16 ][ 17 more jj 18 more jjj 19 cd a 20 ls 21 more trace\= 22 more coming into or following apart as eaach letter sijjdisjoins from every blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). bhurjjapatra blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the b blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the b hhurjja- nameid 'Raubjj' alsoum comesar upiku. Myar fatherum wouldid yellaa atar with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). The name bhurjjapatra with the blood of the third finger, saffron and gorochand^ with the blood of the third finger on bhurjjapatra (the birch). 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