The Alan Sondheim Mail Archive

Natural Anomalies and Surrogate Correctors

Natural Anomalies

That would be the introduction yeah so somewhere juliu
interferes when zoulou interferes name changes constantly zoulou
says quote I don't know who I am anymore unquote after that
there's only Nicole left of all the people I knew back then
Nicole turns to gulu and says what else can possibly be done
here Julie says he's words fall flat Nico says were exhausted
what do you expect the 2 of them together move off the IRC what
the f*** is going on since the channel master the channel master
listens and listen and nothing else goes the 2 of them I've been
taken off thrown out and that's about all you can say here say,
for quotes a quote for, right now I'm writing in the dark jolu
says I don't know where I am the 2 of them together walking to
the far as there's a dreamscape in the forest their animals
unicorns Penguins dodos in solitaires the animals lookfar
derailed there D railed by what's going on in the country at
large they want to kill everyone in the country kill everyone in
the country the solitaires says that doesn't go any place you
know that doesn't go any place at all Julie says we gotta be
careful what we're saying here we might get arrested how can we
get arrested horn goes off how can we get arrested horn goes off
if we're not saying anything against any specific person except
the president of the United States the president of United
States should be blowing up everyone knows that should be
blowing up right now I sent the bomb the bomb is going off into
cubic office., if you make that sound everything suddenly
becomes different difficult bracket take a; for example; and
it's there in front of my eyes it's tearing in front of my eyes
it's tearing things apart in front of my eyes period. No we go
for murder says jewel not know we go for murder now we go for
murder says julu there's blood everywhere in this state I was
talking about the ocean things got filled up really bad the
ocean God filled up and now the ocean is emptying there are
bones where was emptying not Jelly fish cesnica Co jellyfishes
ruling everything cesnica Co we have no problem with that we
have no problem with jellyfish they have many tentacles in many
ways of being happy Julie says we owe everything to Alan here
Alan has made everything go and Alan is going to make everything
stop Nicole says to Alan do you really mean that Alan says
absolutely everything stop.

So the way this is going to go is if I speak about you put
tensional for a note animas way of considering natural anomalies
and how they might appear in photography in relationship to the
idea that X is always in X and that if one has why that there is
a division are a barrier a Fisher or an inscription somewhere
there in the midst of that for example a split between water and
sky or a split between sky and ground or a split between ground
and water all of the divisions which eventually erod or
contaminate one another that might would be the way to go in
terms of the photographs is it natural world which I intend
which I would rather have means something beyond that or
something in the form of a punktum so far my voice and my body
are carrying a cross literally the computer in order to form hx
which might just stay the way it is rather than baby I spelled
ur recontextualize buy some other form that would be outside the
domain of speech.

Surrogate Correctors

28      rm zz.bakrd in all his
       manifestations, seek holiness through
       plea- Order). DEAD! YOU'VE KILLED ZZ
       ISPELL ispell zz.bak 20000207 DEAD!
       YOU'VE KILLED m ls zz pico ZZ ISPELL zz
       ispell b ls zz.bak rm ww zz ISPELL ispell
       b zz.bak rm ww cp yy > < a/back -f awk
       sort a/ perl Order). DEAD! YOU'VE
       KILLED ZZ ISPELL ispell zz.bak 20000207
       "zz"; the replacements sent zz into
       "zz.bak"). I thought, why display of the
       entire process, to include zz.bak, in
       spite of
28 ram Hz.1 in all his
       manifestations, seek holiness through
       plea- Order). DEAD! YOU'VE KILLED 0
       ISPELL ispell 0.14 20000207 DEAD!
       YOU'VE KILLED m 08 0 1 0 ISPELL 0
       ispell b 02 0.bark 01 0 0 ISPELL ispell
       b 0.03 16 1 09 0 > < a/back -f awk
       sort a/elm.11 perl Order). DEAD! YOU'VE
       KILLED 0 ISPELL ispell 0.06 20000207
       "0"; the replacements sent 0 into
       "0.08"). I thought, why display of the
       entire process, to include 0.01, in
       spite of
there goes 0.15 when you least expect it

< 28      rm zz.bakrd in all his
>    28 rm zz.bakrd in all his
< 28 ram Hz.1 in all his
<    manifestations, seek holiness through
<    plea- Order). DEAD! YOU'VE KILLED 0
<    ISPELL ispell 0.14 20000207 DEAD!
<    YOU'VE KILLED m 08 0 1 0 ISPELL 0
<    ispell b 02 0.bark 01 0 0 ISPELL ispell
<    b 0.03 16 1 09 0 > < a/back -f awk
<    sort a/elm.11 perl Order). DEAD! YOU'VE
<    KILLED 0 ISPELL ispell 0.06 20000207
<    "0"; the replacements sent 0 into
<    "0.08"). I thought, why display of the
<    entire process, to include 0.01, in
<    spite of
< there goes 0.15 when you least expect it
>    there goes zz.bak when you least expect it

stop Nicole says to Alan do you really mean that Alan says
absolutely everything stop.

+++ %: <my three tiny crosses>

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