Message-ID: <>
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Cyb <>, Wryting-L <>
Subject: Old Ageism
Date: Thu, 3 May 2018 16:46:49 -0400 (EDT)
Old Ageism _______________ Old Men by Ogden Nash People expect old men to die, They do not really mourn old men. Old men are different. People look At them with eyes that wonder when... People watch with unshocked eyes; But the old men know when an old man dies. _______________ I've been trying to figure out how to approach ageism, which has come to me in spades, and will come to you as well; there's no escape, no retribution, no complaint that resonates. It shows in subtle ways like racism or sexism; like racism and sexism, however, it also shows in ways that tell the truth but tell it slant. And unlike racism and sexism, it remains by and large unacknowledged, or given lip service at best. One just has to examine the treatment of older men and women on The Simpsons to see how acceptable this is. We're expected to be feeble, forgetful, weak, out of touch, confounded by computers and cellphones, adjudicating at best in relationship to the world of fifty or a hundred or a hundred and fifty years ago. We're not expected to be able to teach, to think clearly, to speak without repetition and reminiscence. We're expected to wallow in nostalgia for the good old days. The poem by Nash says it all; we're expected to die, to fade away, to disappear, to be a nuisance at best. We're expected to go into hospices or nursing homes or die in our sleep or in traffic accidents whose fault is only our own. We're expected to dote on grandchildren and populate the National Parks, the network news hours, and television (never online), until we conveniently disappear. For some of us, of course, this isn't a caricature, but a sad or happy truth. But the characterization is applied across the board and affects hires, and the ability to function as a valued and active member of a community; in other words, we're forced out. This is true in the cultural domain where, for all its identity politics, the old are ignored or seen as 'subjects' for others' works. Which leads to the issue of 'begging letters' (a phrase a friend of mine has used), and here I have to speak of my own experience. I'm an artist/theorist/whatever who is as active as I ever was, and my thinking/work is as present/presenced as it ever was. (I'm not alone in this; I'm describing what so many people I know go through constantly.) If I apply for a job or a show or a residency or other cultural opportunity, most often (not all the time), one of two things happens; I don't hear back at all, or I'm put in a position where I have to constantly pester the organization or person in charge, to be heard, to be considered at all. I'm simply no longer on the cultural horizon - there are other, younger, more exciting, people on the scene, and it's a scene I'm excluded from. It's never put that way, but it's the case. We're expected, by the age, say, of fifty, to have completed our work, our 'product' if it's such, and to be content with that, to have moved on (perhaps to grandchildren?). Our rage is internalized, goes nowhere; as friends have said, literally, "It's no fun growing old" and a good part of this is the isolation that's forced on us, particularly in the realm of cultural production. (I speak to that because that's where I'm active, that's where I am.) Oddly, given the filter bubbling at work on social media, I'm largely speak/writing to the converted; this text won't go anywhere outside of those in agreement. And if it does, what would it matter? _______________ (Personal note - in 1974 Kathy Acker and I made the Blue Tape together in New York. Recently, because it's been twenty years since she died, there's been a minor resurrection of the piece; a number of venues in the United States and Europe have shown it. Every time I'm asked for permission, I'll agree and add that the tape itself is over forty years old, and I've continued working and would you be interested in seeing what else I've done? Only one place asked; when I sent copies of the work etc. in, it was ignored. I understand that KA is a cultural icon at this point, but the tape was the produced by both of us, and in every showing, I'm effaced; it's as if I didn't exist. I can give other examples. In all of this I feel I'm taken to be an "old man" or "elderly" what whatever, and that already pejorative characteristic becomes fundamental. It's also something I internalize, and hate myself for doing so. When I walk down the street I literally see myself through others' eyes, I see an old and useless man with nothing to say, with nothing of value in the world. It's an odd and miserable, hateful reflection, but I can't help it at this point. It what happens. It's concrete. It's an autonomic reaction. Part of this may be that I'm in a small town, Providence, which has underlying hatreds as a local flux (which is true of almost every small town I've lived in). But unlike racism, for example, it's not acknowledged; it's just there. My image comes back constantly to haunt me, and if I live and work, for example, for another twenty years, I'll live with this every day, without community engagement, with constant begging letters, with a fundamental isolation that, at least according to the papers I've read, also leads to early death. I apologize for going on like this and recognize that there are a lot of people in worse situations. The problem with ageism, however, is that it's invisible and unacknowledged, and that allows it be pervasive everywhere, to gnaw at the soul. There used to be groups like the Grey Panthers, that tried to counteract this; now there's the AARP with positive heart- warming stories about successful older people. But these are people who have had cultural capital in the first place, and one might speak of an AARP ideology that creates a pleasurable but utterly fake horizon. It's not the truth and it doesn't speak to the truth that we bare, that we bear.) What is to be done? I honestly don't know. I'd like to see ageism added to sensitivity trainings. I'd like to see people hired or shown on the basis of their work, their intellect, their commitment, and not on the basis of age (while it's illegal to take age into consideration for teaching positions, it's done all the time; at one job opening at an Ivy League university, the cut-off was 40). I know none of this will happen. I'd like to find a way to channel our rage (which we too often turn against ourselves); that won't happen. With the fast- forward evolution of cultural memes, productions, technologies, and politics, these concerns will appear even less important to society at large (if there is such a thing). And here, as I mention above, the filter bubble comes into play. _______________ For that reason, I'm asking, if you agree with the above, please share. Maybe outreach will make a difference to someone. Thanks, Alan